Down with Divine: Escape

The good thing about my mom was that at least she always listened. She didn't always think things through or make the best decisions, which is how we ended up with a lawyer. I had to write everything down so the lawyer could sue the school. It was for child endangerment, failure to provide a safe environment, or how I end up coming home beaten up more often than not the first two quarters of the year.

Spin the dial left 26, right 15, left 59 and pull. Grab the books, throw in the bag, zip. Out the door and now to get home I had to cut thru the parking lot and walk a handful of blocks.

"I told you not to go and tattle." Brad was mad. Somebody probably told him I went to the principal's office. Which is why he thinks I told. He came running for me. There was no doubt he was going to punch the fuck out me.

I couldn't even raise my arms to block. Cause the school doesn't care who started it. Just that you were violent. Raising my hands to protect myself had gotten me suspended once already. The first time it was for actually hitting back. So to cut to the short version of it I had to take this hit, nothing I could do about it.

Come on, not the hurt eye...

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