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RE: D0pe'd Up!

in #dope7 years ago

0k thx but I did happen to copy/paste the initial address in the 'Receive' section. Maybe I should try to re-generate a new one perhaps. I will try & let you know my results later on tonight....
So how long have you been involved with D0peC0in and the Staking process? Does it reward everyday and do you have to have a certain amount of coins for it to start giving interest 0r it just doesn't matter how much you hold?


I think it is based on stake weight. So you need quite a lot, at least 30,000 or more to mint everyday. I've been into it for about two weeks.

0k thx f0r the inf0. 0ne last thing! I created a new address from the desktop D0pe-Client and made a withdrawal via Bittrex 0nce again. But it still seems to be taking quite some time to go through. It's been 5minutes.
How long does it normally take f0r D0pec0in transactions? You may have already t0ld me, not sure.

It normally goes through very fast. I had a problem with bittrex once, but the problem was not clicking my confirmation email. Hope it works for you.

Thx f0r helping me to become aware of the issue I was having. I can now transfer DOPE to my Staking Client(Wallet) ;)




Hmmmm! I will see to this! I did notice numerous of Bittrex emails but thght maybe it was just from logging-in.
I will continue to report back here to give my results....

Another question f0r you! Does the wallet have to be open@all times in order to be staked? I read that we have to have our wallets opened. Does this mean it cannot be X(closed) out? 0r as long as it's in the desktop tray(Windows users) even after closing?

I just have it unlocked in the background minimised.

0k nice! And I can see the little miner icon @the bottom of the Client, so this tells me that we would need to have it minimized@all times but this requires us to have to leave computers on@all times.
So, I will use my mining computer to stake these D0pe c0ins since the computer is constantly running ;)

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