Time's Up | DoodleDoodledayeo Round 19

in #doodleon6 years ago


It's another scavenger-hunt style prompt for DoodleDoodledayeo Round 19 so I'll be a bit elliptical in discussing my inspiration. My first thought was this guy from the cult classic Clash of the Titans:

I wasn't sure exactly what to do with that, though. I expanded out a bit to think about automatons and steampunk stuff more generally, and about how you'll sometimes hear the criticism of steampunk-inspired art that the actual mechanisms don't make a lot of functional sense – gears that don't connect, etc. And then I thought about having a character thoroughly embracing that idea, using these sorts of parts:

Image from Wikipedia
(animation of an escapement from Wikipedia)

to build something purely aesthetic. And why wouldn't the character need those parts anymore? That completed my inspiration: because they're trying to launch a new age where mechanical devices are replaced with biological entities (originally the creature in the middle of the clock was going to be a weirder blobby mutant but it started looking very froglike when I was drawing so I just went with it). They've built something to take the place of a cuckoo clock, and in a playful twist have built the bird out of mechanical bits. I wasn't satisfied that I had done enough to incorporate the first prompt-word in the thing the character had built out of parts, so I decided to have the character exhibit that property themselves as well by making them an anthropomorphic bird. The second prompt-word is incorporated both in the whole thing taking place on the face of a clock, and also in the idea that this marks the dawn of a new age, which I emphasized in the character's monolog.

Here's a scan of my pencil sketch:


Which I outlined and colored in Inkscape to produce my final doodle:



I love how you share so much of the thought process behind your work.This is another amazing piece from you, you really bring your unique style to this challenge. Thank you for joining in with this week's Doodle Doodledayeo challenge, steem on @danmaruschak!

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