I was abused on Steemit yesterday, and I have to say, it wasn’t a very pleasant feeling. At first, I was shocked, and then I was offended. And then I calmed down. Let me tell you what happened, and then you can decide if my initial reactions were warranted.


Three or four days ago, I happened to see a photograph which really grabbed my attention. It was submitted by a fellow Steemian and one whom I had been following for a short time. He calls himself an amateur photographer, but in my opinion, he is a very skilled one. I can’t hope to achieve what he is achieving with his photography.

I know I had commented on earlier posts of his. I am very sure I admired them greatly………after all, that was why I was following him. Whether or not I had upvoted any of them, I can’t honestly say without taking the time to check, but frankly, I am not at all inclined to now, after what has just transpired. It is irrelevant to me, but quite clearly, it was not irrelevant to him.

You see, although I was very complimentary with my comment, he took offense. Why, you may ask? My crime was, that I did not upvote his blog as well. Now, if that was a legitimate crime here in Steemit the, ‘You’re not upvoting enough, Police’ would be throwing me into jail for a very long time. Obviously, I was low on votes and ………you know how it is…….we don’t have an endless supply.


This is a scenario that happens constantly with me. I was vote poor, but not comment poor. I thought about how I could best encourage this very talented photographer, wrote my comments, regretted that I could not give him an upvote (as always) and went on my merry way.

When I first joined Steemit, I was advised by at least two successful Steemians to comment, comment, comment. I found out early in the piece, that my votes were next to worthless but I’m the type of person who likes to show my appreciation, so I was always running out of them. I was also experiencing numerous bandwidth problems due to my enthusiasm.

So, I put my blogs together, and commented, commented and commented. And found that this was the most effective way to get to know people; to build a network and support and encourage other members. How does one build a network if they only comment on about 10 posts a day? I don’t think that is possible myself.

Prior to yesterday, I was having a lot of fun despite taking a while to take in all the information that is available on how to succeed in this platform. But then yesterday happened. And my fellow Steemian told me in no uncertain terms that he did not appreciate the fact that I omitted to upvote when I commented on the post in question. He suggested, in no uncertain terms that if I liked his image I need to back it up with an upvote and if I did not, he would Expose Me! What?????


I sought advice from my peers. I decided I would not dignify his rudeness and ungrateful attitude by replying and in the midst of preparing to unfollow this ‘gentleman,’ I found an even more offensive reply to someone else in another one of his blogs. To top that off another Steemian whom I had never met gives me his TWO CENTS worth. (It is insignificant little cents we are talking about here by the way.) My new Steemian intruder fully supported our mutual ‘friend’ in his stance to expose me for not upvoting and told me HE would be glad if I would provide an upvote. What?????

These two Steemian’s both have high ‘reputations’ and after receiving admonishment from this second complete stranger, I thought I would check him out. It didn’t take long to confirm my suspicions that, yes, he is very much against Comment Spammers. Fair enough! I’m not a fan of them either, in fact, I find them rather irksome, but is it really necessary to attack someone (me in this case) and assume I am a Comment Spammer without going to the effort of checking me out first?


It never occurred to me that there people out there who are so defensive about comment spammers that they spend countless hours writing about them, gathering supporters to give them a hard time and attempting to stamp out this annoying habit any way they can. When their anger reaches the point that they feel the need to tell a suspected Comment Spammer to, "F… Off," then I think it’s time they did some re-evaluation. Just my opinion…….I won’t be offended if you disagree.

And while I’m on a roll, I’m going to chuck in another unasked-for opinion. Comment Spammers’s ARE annoying. We all agree. But if they are thick skinned enough to ignore the rules they will kick themselves in the foot and will eventually use those bruised feet to hobble their way out of Steemit. Self-elimination works much better for those who don’t give a damn about doing the right thing because they simply won’t last. They make themselves so painfully obvious that it is extremely easy just to ignore them. That’s my strategy anyway.

We are all different creatures. We all have different tolerance levels. We all come from very different backgrounds. Some people are highly educated. Most of us have average intelligence and there will be others who haven’t had the advantage of a decent education.

Some find English very challenging. Some are not good with words. Some are shy and lack confidence. Is that any reason to ASSUME that because they have not left a suitably impressive comment in their effort to engage with people they want to build a relationship with, Comment Spammers?

lesson learned.jpg

Yes, each and every one of us are different from one another. But we all have one thing in common. Steemit! And I’d hazard a guess that all of us have similar goals with what we want to achieve here in Steemit but can we really afford to make assumptions about who isn't providing genuine comments?

Would it hurt to show a bit of gratitude when someone has shown appreciation for our work? So..........., we might thank a Comment Spammer by mistake! How terrible! Compare the time it takes to give a quick courteous reply as to a long abusive one to someone we suspect MAY be a Comment Spammer. What if they weren’t? That is my question. When in doubt, do yourself a favour. Reduce your heart rate and keep your blood pressure down and......... do nothing!

sleepy puppy.png

Many years ago, my father was a successful Real Estate agent. Life was good. He was earning good money. We lived comfortably.

It was his turn to greet new customers, show them what was available, take them to properties and hopefully make a sale or two. He happened to glance out the office window and he saw an old man with worn shoes, holes on the sleeves of his jacket and an overall unkempt appearance lean his very old bike against the window, and prepare to walk inside the office.


My father was not about to have his day interrupted by obvious time wasters and asked a fellow agent to attend to the old man. He returned to his office to take care of a mound of work piling up on his desk. A few hours later, he watched the agent and the old man get out of the agent’s car at the front of the office. They shook hands, the old man picked up his bike and rode off down the street.


The agent had a huge smile on his face. And of course my father wanted to know where the heck these two had been for most of the day and what they had been up to. It was the agents turn to shake my fathers hand because he wanted very much to thank him for handing the old ‘time waster’ over to him. It turned out that the old man was interested in buying property. It turned out that the old man had cash to spend on property. It even turned out that old man had the cash to buy not one, but four properties. And this is what he did.


No wonder the agent had a big smile on his face. My father beat himself up for days for missing out on the biggest deal he would ever likely make. He learned a big lesson that day.


Never assume that what you think you see is really what you assume........ And Don’t Bite The Hand That Feeds you!

What would have happened if, after I had admired my fellow Steemian’s photo so much that I decided to buy it? His indignation could have cost him not one but maybe a few sales if I really liked the first one. But he, in his false judgement, decided I was a Comment Spammer and was not interested in any comment I wanted to make unless I backed it up with an upvote.

I see he has toned down his comments considerably since yesterday. Leaving them as they were would surely turn people away and surely be counter-productive, because I have a feeling that if most people had read them (even if they loved his work as much as I do,) they’d question his motives and find other quality artwork to admire without the attitude to go with it.

Thankfully, I know attitudes like his are very much in the minority here in Steemit and thankfully we all have the right to choose who and who not to follow.


Am I being too harsh? Is it a waste of time leaving positive comments when you don’t have votes to back up those comments? What are your thoughts on this issue? I’d really love to hear them. Correction! I really need to hear them.


I took the time to track down the post and the comment you made. Trudee, this guy was being a jerk. I flagged him on the comment he made... the first time I've ever flagged someone. Your comment was far from being "comment spam"... it was nothing of the kind.

Comment spam is more like "Nice pic pls follow me" and "follow I follow back" that sort of crud that we are all too familiar with.

You actually took the time to write a sincere comment and this buffoon demands a vote from you? His attitude will get him nowhere fast. I for one will never follow or vote for such a person.... and his photography? Yes, it's pretty good, but far from the best I've seen. There are plenty more people on this site that are better and nicer... no need to bother with this cretin in the future.

Nobody likes comment spam... I just ignore it when it happens. As for the voting, it is by design that our votes are worth little to begin with. IF I was to get annoyed by anything, it would be more the constant stream of $0.00 votes that I get. I just ignore those too... some newer people don't understand the difference between this site and Facebook, so they vote for everything they like. Even that should be taken as a compliment, not something to get offended by.

I think if you decided to just vote a hundred times per day with zero funds to back it up, that would be more annoying than well-intentioned comments.

I'm going to resteem this post because I think it touches on something very interesting. Have a good day Trudee, your friends are all behind you. :)

You’re such a good friend Keith. Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness. I really didn’t expect anyone to find the source of my discomfort and I’m not seeking to make his life difficult because he is doing that all on his own. But I’m very touched by your actions. Your fine character is in stark contrast to the one I encountered the other day and I am blessed to have you in my corner. I have put it all behind me now but before I did, I couldn’t help comparing the impact of words written by an irritating comment spammer to those of a rude, ungrateful, ‘fellow’ Steemian. Is there really a lot of difference? Both will be ignored from now on. Life is too short for such irritations. 😁 And because this dude’s reaction has not squashed my desire to be myself, I will continue to share love and kindness towards my special friends, therefore I send you hugs of appreciation my friend. 💝 Enjoy your weekend. 🌻

Good for you!! I am so glad to see you say this, and of course it is never wrong to leave a comment without a vote! Bravo, my friend!! And I still tell new people to comment, comment, comment! Tipuvote!

Awwwww thank you dear Melinda. I’m feeling really appreciated with all this amazing support from my friends. I’m a great believer in getting things out in the open in order to clear up misunderstandings and I really don’t want other innocent steemians getting targeted in this way. Commenting is by far the best way to establish friendships and long term relationships and it is great advice. Thanks too for this very generous tip. I’m very amused by the two green thumbs up gif that came with your tip. I haven’t seen him before and together, you have brightened up my day immensely. Thanks for being you, Melinda. 💖💖💖

I am so sick of the arrogance of many in this platform. Don't let this internet troll that obviously didn't take the time to see you might be poor in voting power but rich in the best compliments and he should appreciate them as well. No one is obligated to anything.

Do not let people like him bring you down his loss is someone else's gain, because at the speed you're going you are going faster than many and maybe soon farther than he. You have talent and great blogging skills. I am fortunate to have you come by my post though it is not always a well written one. Much love to you. Crush the competition!

Thanks so much for taking the time to share your thoughts on this issue @coquiunlimited It was this persons attitude that dumbfounded me because I didn’t see what he hoped to gain from it. I’m not easily intimidated as my family and close friends will tell you but I know there would be plenty of newbies who would wonder what had hit them if their comments were genuine. Serial comment spammers would laugh it off and just go and find someone else to annoy. It’s the innocent ones I’d be concerned for.

As I was not the only one targeted (I was let off lightly compared with what another person copped) there was no way I would let an attitude like his bring me down. I’m generally a placid person but I have little tolerance for injustice. I’m not a competitive person either. I once lost a squash final because I didn’t call ‘Let’ when I should have much to my husband’s frustration. I was very happy with my runner up prize and was pleased with my performance. So anything I do here in Steemit, I do for my own enjoyment and if I am rewarded for my efforts with a prize now and then that’s a great bonus. It is people like you, my friend, who make spending time here that much more enjoyable. Hugs and blessings 💞

Hmm.. Didn't know guy's really pms'd. 😉😜 He must've been in a very bad mood and sadly took it out on his cherished follower's. Pity.

On a different note, I guess we're much alike in regards to competition. 💕

It's all water under the bridge now, and I have no hard feelings. I guess I was just shocked to be treated that way. Hopefully he was just having a bad day and I do wish him all the best. He does have talent. I thought about what I said about competition and have to revise that statement a little. If I am playing 500 or having a game of table tennis against my husband my usually non-competitive persona disappears (lol) If I am loosing, I will keep playing until I am dead on my feet until I get at least one win under my belt.......and then I am happy.

This does seem like one of the unintended consequences of only having 10 full power upvotes a day and having influential people on the platform telling minnows to build their following through comments, comments, comments!

I personally never check if people who comment on my posts have upvoted or not. Seems like too much effort to see if I got that extra 2c from a minnow. But I guess that's all some people care about. You should probably unfollow the person who had a go at you. S/he sounds like a dick.

Many thanks for sharing your perspective @choogirl This experience has been an interesting excercise for me and it is simply a matter of unfollowing the person in question. That wasn’t a hard decision. I mainly wanted to get a general consensus of opinion about the upvote protocol and find out if this situation was likely to crop up on a regular basis. I’d much rather know who else shares his viewpoint so that I can keep clear of them. The wonderful, friendly, helpful people I am enjoying relating with here in Steemit far outweigh the ones that are arrogant and rude. He certainly hasn’t put me off being myself, and making the most of this platform. Have a great weekend. 🌻

Welcome to the internet.

Thanks for the welcome @sanctus The internet certainly is a mix of the weird, the wonderful and the downright wacky. Very entertaining, to say the least. (:

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Have some Love and a big Hug Trudee. These people come in all shapes and sizes and as you know are found lurking in every dark corner of life. Forget them and move on. Obviously their tallent in photography does not make them a nice person to know. Think I will upvote and resteam my friend who does good work and is a good person too. 😎😎❤❤

Awwwww......have I told you lately that you’re such a Jem Andy? I don’t hold grudges and I did wonder whether this person got up out of bed on the wrong side yesterday but when I saw his second more abusive comment to someone else, I certainly did not take it personally. Life is interesting at times isn’t it. Love and hugs returned my friend. 💖💖

Yep you have 😎 And it makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. Thanks Trudles.
Did you know about rhis simple place to keep track of your voting power?

That’s good to hear Andy. 😊 Yes, I do check up on it but I also get carried away with my votes. I’m just too undisciplined. 😔

Thanks so much @teamnz 🐑

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Thanks very much.

Sad to hear you had this experience today @trudeehunter, some people probably need to take a chill pill I reckon!

I reckon Terry.......many thanks for your wonderful support. 🌺

Be happy brother, friendship is tested by time..

I’m happy @bagindooo Just looking for some opinions on upvoting 😊

I am at your side..sure!

Brother lol....

I’ve been called many things. This is a first. 😃

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