I will donate EVERY SteemDollar earned from this POST to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital! I Donated $1000 to get it started!

in #donations8 years ago (edited)

Because of my recent success with Steemit and after being inspired to pay it forward. I decided to donate to one of my favorite organizations St. Jude Children's Research Hospital just now.

Who We can Help!

Meet Eden
Age: 4
Diagnosis: acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL)

In April 2014, when tests revealed Eden had acute lymphoblastic leukemia, a type of blood cancer, her family was referred to St. Jude. She is undergoing two-and-a-half years of chemotherapy treatment, and her cancer is in remission. Even in the midst of treatment, Eden hasn’t slowed down. She loves to play and is constantly busy — whether it’s riding her tricycle, caring for her baby dolls or keeping up with her three older sisters.

Leran more here: https://www.stjude.org

To put my money where my mouth is I started us off with a $1000 donation (Confirmation number and screenshots below)

I've heard that Steemit has the potential to change the world. So why not make that statement true today and help save a child's life!

I challenge you to do the same and donate all SteemDollar rewards earned from your comments & up votes!
I also challenge you to donate on your own and post your confirmation page!

This will mean so much to me!
I am literally shaking from excitement! Lets get them one HUGE STEEMIT donation!!!!
Thank You Very Very Much!


Godbless you
I really think this one will hit home and help those kids @blueorgy

To everyone else upvote blueorgy

I ll donate 10% of my post earning towards @blueorgy and the charity cause

Can we at least get some whales in here?

Thank You! I can't wait for those whales to jump in! I can't wait to see how big this check is going to be! And the look on those kids faces. Priceless! Going to be a fun day when I bring that check into them! I'll invite anyone to join me when I do.

It's a great idea - another first in the steem community - perhaps you would like to publish a post dedicated to the donors on a separate post afterwards - myself included 👍🏻 @blueorgy

I sure will. I will have one awesome follow up post with pictures of me delivering the check! I can't wait!!! :) getting excited. Pictures with the kids as well I hope!

It's for a great cause wasn't a hard decision :) thank you for you up vote!

Excellent initiative, I would like to see more of these posts . And of course, hoping they really deliver what they claim

If anyone wants to donate a % of their proceeds to this charity, please tag @blueorgy and let the steem community know your pledge, every dime counts
Im in , are you?

I will 100% deliver! I am serious about this and wanted to show my commitment by the $1000 donation.
I will also post confirmations on the donation as soon as I can do it.

Hope the goal can be reached,

Just to be clear the $1000 I donated already is separate and will go on top of the $ earned from this post. I really want this post to have an impact.

Awesome idea and love that you donated. You sir have my upvote! And any post like this with confirmation has it as well

Using the forces of the steem engine for good. We might be onto something here boys!

Always support blue

Go blue!!!!! 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍


its such a shame that the post didnt took off as i expected, people dont believe in charities these days, all they want is tits

I'm going to give this post one more try. Ill post it up and continue the amount over.

keep trying

Game on. All steem dollars earned on this post will be donated.

Yes, blue
Great!!! We keep doing it

I threw in 2 extra steem from a "reward" in a post of mine, it ran out of suggestions and this seems like a much better cause! Sending it to your account to turn into SD! Great initiative!

Thank you!!!

i find a very good idea using eletronic coins for good way helping people.
nice greetings from Germany

Always happy to help a good cause.

Thanks for your up vote :)

What a lovely thing to do, Good luck :)

This is awesome what you are doing. You definitely got my upvote! I hope this post gets seen by whales or people with a lot of steem power! :)

Sadly not yet :/ It may be too late since its been buried. I may just have another post after this one to continue the fund raising. We can do much better! I want to have a really big check with me when I visit the hospital , I'll make sure to an awesome post about it as well!

Well actually summon upvoted but it didn't seem to do anything? That's strange. Any Ideas?

Maybe if you make a post in the trending post the one close to 40k? @dantheman and others upvoted that one. Maybe if they see your comment and link here? :/ sorry man i dont have much steem power or i would have done it myself!

Every little bit matters! Thank you very much for you up vote :)

good cause, i hope that will be true

Thanks! it's true and I'm ready to send a huge amount!!

god bless you.

Awesome initiative, upvoted. Best of luck, hopefully some whales add their vote for a great cause.

Awesome post! Call me a cynic, but I would also like to see some kind of proof of donation.

I understand a lot will think this way... It's fine. That's why I have proof of my first donation at the bottom of the post :)

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