Saw this image about epsteins apparent visit to Antarctica.

in #donaldmarshall5 years ago

Image is asking why he[d go to antarctica.

Nazis are in antarctica, yah, they found tunnels underwater through the ice sheet which led them to a colossal amount of free space underground and on top of that there was a vast amount of advanced technology left preserved form a previous human civilization that got wiped away, and there were vril down there too.

And that a giant secret thing almost know one really knows about.

in the aftermath of ww2 an admiral Byrd went over ther with a huge fleet for some kinda excercise meant to last 6 months, they came back in six weeks and it was reported they'd come back with heavy casulaties and damage to the ships, like they'd been attacked. Basically they were sent to antarctica to assess the strength of thre nazis whod fled there because they Knew about that, but when they got there they got fucking blasted by nazis using super advanced tech, flying saucers with lasers n shit, and at that point it was decided to get the fuck outta there and retreat. Then the whole deal was covered up. I mean, think how shocked the world would be if they found out they'd actually kinda lost WW2 because now nazis have supereme tech in a fortress made of miles thick ice, which was said as much by nazis admiral Karl Doenitz.

A movie was made by a shitty knowck off film company called the assylum and used the concept in the movie Nazis at the Center of the Earth, showing how actually they're just underneath antartica.

And If i'm not mistaken I believe the three superpowers that won ww2 publicly then as a warning, detonated nukes over Antarctica to be like, "Hey, stay there, if you try to invade will will blast Antarctica with everything we have". Come to think of it perhaps this was the reaosn why everyone made such ridiculous amounts of bombs enough to fuck the world several times oover, seems like overkill if you ask me but not when you're facing a far superior enemy. So meh.

I just found this. So they Did detonate bombs over Antarctica it seems. Wonder why....

"In the years prior to the June 1961 ratification, the USA, UK and USSR had all used Antarctica for military purposes and all three nations were rumoured to have tested nuclear bombs on the continent. On 27 and 30 August and 6 September 1958, at least three such bombs were detonated in Antarctica, allegedly by the Americans. Rumour has it that they were set off in the area of Queen Maud Land and were triggered 300 metres above the target, with the initial aim being to "recover" frozen areas. The locations of other bomb detonation sites have been firmly suppressed, but it is believed that the areas reconnoitred by the Germans in 1939 and 1940 were targeted.45"

A ted talk came out about whats under the ice about six years ago, just when don and the rest of us were really trying to blast this info out there. Pretty convenient timing.

And yet here we all still are, soon to be in 2020, we have the year 2020 soon and it looks like more BS is jut round the corner for that decade, russia and china trying to take over, the whole iran nonsense, Identity politics in ful swing so that kids in the west are being taught that being a cyborg is a sexual orientation, and all the rest.

Ya know its not LGBTQ now anymore? Its LGBTQ+.. they added a plus, because after it starts looking like the whole alphabet it might look silly.

And I guess the plus is now, anything you like, Vampire, alien, cyborg, cyborg alien, alien cyborg vampire pedo. Its all up fo grabs.

And maybe twouldn't be like this is only ppl listened more to what Donald Marshall was trying to say all those years ago.

Because the lack of resistance to implementing to these things is so small that it gave Them a giant confidence boost, to just rush this shit out and hope it'll just be passively accepted which i very much is in shcools now, to the point where a kid got kicked out of his class for having the OPINION that theres actually only two biological sexes... And that pises off aliens ya see.

Cuz aliens want rights, they bodysnatched people and killed people and ate people but they want rights, rights to express themselves the way they see humans doing so, it make them like, super jelly.

and so they've been turning us to super jelly, to make us as malleable for them as they like, and they'll win too, because in a few generations raised on this shit, it'll become the norm, and people like me or don will die and be forgotten and no one wil be able to do anything because by that point, everybody is now accepting microchips as forms of identification and convenient living while bowing down to the chinese premier of the wet since the west was clipped by a long protracted war abroad and domestically from civil unrest after some new terrorist 9/11 event.. and guess what, it all will have been set up.. and most ppl wil go along with it.

I mean what exactly do people think that shows like Black Mirror or altered carbon are trying to show you.


This turned into a whole ramble.

I done talking currently I don't feel quite so well now.


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