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RE: I'm a dolphin 🎉🎉🎉

in #dolphin5 years ago (edited)

upvoted and resteemed

but aw come on man meesterboom and steemitqa get mentions but not me? lol meesterboom just posts "stories" I actually do serious work... lol dont tell him i said that i dont want him getting mad at me...

lol but he will learn to value me and realize we have to all stick together if we have this much seniority on steem or more importantly if we put in work .. and we all have in our own ways..... and he will realize bid bots have votes too... and if instead of buying votes they made a "donation" and still had to apply for manual curation, their payments just get them to the top of the list, well them people would realize that the compromise here is wanting to get bid bot owners to do manual curation. The right way to go about all of this would be to WARN the users of bid bots at least 3 times before downvoting them because we just arent mature enough as a species to NOT take it personally and why risk loosing all these great long time users who own bid bots? Just give them a path to semi manual curation once a week, dont force them to leave..... just give them a daily or bi weekly or weekly application system, so people APPLY for the paid upvote, and only let them issue a certain amount at a time, and only on the highest quality submissions. This gets rid of a LOT of teh shit posts but allows SERIOUS post to wait in line everyday and get a paid upvote. Instead of paying for upvotes just TAX them with beneficiary rewards and require they LOOK at who they upvote

Also we will end up with a black market where people pay for upvotes from accounts that arent listed as bid bots and which do plenty of manual curation.

or instead we can get bid bot owners a chance to basically not have their users flagged if they DELEGATE HALF the bid bot Steem Power to an elected Curator chosen by the community or by this Union of downvoters :) its like a labor union hah, or ive just been watching too much Star trek Deep Space 9, anyway and we just force these bourgiosie bid bot owners to carry on with business only if they delegate i dunno half SP to manual curators? I think thats fair balance.

anyway i am happy to resteem so you can get more recognition but lemme get on dat list yo ,i actually need as much publicity as i can get as theres a lot of negative anti ackza people out there who somehow dont know all the work ive done for steem that most normal people would never do, especially after all the abuse, i still stayed, and now im adding steem to scatter, the #1 most important thing for steem dapps right now. im just hoping i get more than a $4 upvote for it

Honestly when you find out about how im adding steem to scatter with teh wallet package @nsjames showed me, then youll see why and how im so excited and why its a no brainer when youre there and see it all, but you have to know about eos, and hah i know you do but youd be surprised how many morons there are out there who refuse to even LOOk at eos land as if its some sort of enemy of steem, people ACTUALLY bitter about a rivalry they were never a part of, as if they are friends with demand ned,lol its shameful the way other dolphins and whales who own steem act when it comes to their inability to give eos a chance. It can only help steem

Also @ned the freakin ex ceo of steemit inc is even telling major steem devs, one you would all recognize, to move to EOS LOl so think about that anyone who is anti eos on steem... nothing wrong with it... we will work well on eos also ... steemp is gonan be anEOS token on newdex so we can trade steemp steem engine token against eos

when i get scatter on steem i will be able to get newdex to add STEEM traded pairs for SMTs and steem engine tokens.


Man calm down. I said I forgot people, this is why. Ok?

Meesterboom found you btw

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