Are Dollar stores really a problem for poor Americans?

in #dollar5 years ago

Yeah, the horror. Actually bringing cheap goods to rural areas and low-income customers. Yes, very few carry fresh produce, but if the law forces them to, there goes their low prices and benefits to low-income folks. And to the degree the law prevents them from competing with mom-and-pops, poor folks pay more for dry goods.

There's no win here as if they are forced to sell fresh produce, you know there'll be articles about how they're raising prices and not so good for poor folks to shop at any more.

Perhaps reporters should work harder to ask the actual customers of such stores why they shop there and how much they care about getting fresh produce there, and whether they would be willing to trade that off for higher prices on dry goods and household products.


these stores are great for low income families to be able to stretch their dollar a little further and obtain a higher standard of living

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