
Oh my...Please, someone, make him stop!

I'll get him for you! Wait, which way did he go? Dang, he got away....


You would have been a great writer for "The Roadrunner."

Got any Acme Company nitro glycerin?

Sshhhhhhhh...ROFLOL! Don't tell anyone! :)

Were did Wylie Coyote get all his money? He was incompetent, thought he was smart, none of his plans actually worked, he had unlimited funding; Oh wait, he worked for the government!


Have you ever seen my movie, "Sergent Bilko?"

That was you? I didn't know, you are talented actor!

Yes I saw that, and also the one on the Bradley development that was very educational!


Steve Martin...yeah...that's me. I wear a gray wig for my movies

The hover tank got a bad rap,

I thought that was you, ROFLOL!

I read a lot of SciFy, and one of my first pick stories is about Bolos which are A.I. Tanks. In the last one I read, the enemy had light scout tanks that were air cushion drive, for high speed over rough terrain. It is an interesting idea, but won't carry enough weight in a small footprint, for armor, with steel.


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