
Sshhhhhhhh...ROFLOL! Don't tell anyone! :)

Were did Wylie Coyote get all his money? He was incompetent, thought he was smart, none of his plans actually worked, he had unlimited funding; Oh wait, he worked for the government!


Have you ever seen my movie, "Sergent Bilko?"

That was you? I didn't know, you are talented actor!

Yes I saw that, and also the one on the Bradley development that was very educational!


Steve Martin...yeah...that's me. I wear a gray wig for my movies

The hover tank got a bad rap,

I thought that was you, ROFLOL!

I read a lot of SciFy, and one of my first pick stories is about Bolos which are A.I. Tanks. In the last one I read, the enemy had light scout tanks that were air cushion drive, for high speed over rough terrain. It is an interesting idea, but won't carry enough weight in a small footprint, for armor, with steel.


Right. You'll never get enough air power driven downward to elevate tanks with enough armor to survive without totally destroying the ground.

Size is the determining factor, with enough area it is possible. But BIG is usually bad for a tank as it increases the target cross section of the vehicle.

I think the solution is to find lower density armor , and possibly active electronic deflection fields.


LOL...I should have known not to make engineering-type assertions!

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