Update on Mika... Another month worrying :(

in #dogs6 years ago (edited)

Mika is back from the vet.

Here is the first post.



We have to keep an eye on the lump for a month, make note of any changes.
It could possibly be
Ingrown hair
Sebaceous cyst

If there are any changes we have to take her back in a month then they will resize it, if it has grown they will operate and remove it then find out if its benign.

Another month of worrying, hopefully it goes down. What was surprising was the vet didn't charge us which is a nice change.

Thank you @son-of-satire


Hugs and a speedy recovery to your furbaby!

Thank you <3

Wow! A vet that didn't charge! Well, at least that was good news. Having to wait another month is not so good because you will be worried sick about her...

I know, I am in shock lol Its going to be on my mind all the time :(

It sounds like the vet wasn't concerned that it was anything serious though. So no worrying till there's something to be concerned about!

I have to keep telling myself that.. Thank you :)

let's wait for a month and not be serious

Trying to :)

That was pretty generous of the vet. The dog's very cute. Hope it recovers to the earliest. :D

I was shocked with the vet. Lol Thank you i am hoping its nothing serious

No charge which is good just have to keep an eye on it @karenb54

We are checking it daily :)

Hoping for a good turnout for your Mika. Some vets amounst others are still nice people. 🐓🐓

The vets we go to are really nice but they usually charge us, nice change not to be charged :)

My experience over many years and many pets... Just keep an eye on it, don't panic.

Oh, and put silver water in with her drinking water... Whatever may be ailing her, if there are pathogens, the silver will go to work on them. ;)



That's a good idea, def worth a try :)

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