
11 month old terrorist but those eyes hahs 3CDBE72C-FC89-416D-9BFF-ADCDD01FAAF3.jpeg
MUMMY cannot resist those eyes

haha! howdy again brittandjosie! I can see why he always gets his way!

yep spoiled rotten but so sweet and we cannot resist these eyes, and the same i have with the kids 4 of them hahaahah

howdy today brittandjosie! oh I did not know that you had 4 kids! I knew you had kids but I didn't know how many. Well you are amazing to do so well on this platform with so many other responsiblities! I think you might be Super Woman in disguise!

Well glad at least one man noticed that, so thankfull for the compliment from Texas but you aint bad yourself, The EL was great again. I think the bloggers still hete and blogging even When prices are sad Thats what its All about .
I have a New addiction besides the hubby and kids 😉

haha! Yes Ma'am brittandjosie but hopefully the new addiction will turn out to be a very healthy and profitable one!

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