It Tolls For Thee!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #dogs7 years ago

This is the Bell of Doom!


Usually, when it rings in our house, there are loud groans heard and the occasional curse muttered under one's breath. But lately, the ringing of the bell has caused the local peasantry to flee in terror. You see, several years ago my Wife brought home this cuddly little ball of fluff.


At the recommendation of a friend, my wife then proceeded to attach the above bell to the door and ring it every time her new little baby needed to go outside. Unfortunately, over the years my two sons were struck deaf to the tone emitted by the bell, so that now it seems that only my Wife and I are able to hear it ringing.

Since I am usually the first up to get ready for work, I take our dog on her morning walk. I used to rather enjoy these little walks. But you see, here in Kansas, we have of late, been having a rather cold winter. Even so, every morning, I hear that fateful bell tolling and I dutifully perform my task. But the morning two days past, as I affixed the leash and was lead to the door, I glanced at the thermometer and saw that it read


That's Fahrenheit.

For my friends north of the boarder, that's -19° Celsius.

For you absolutists in the audience, that's 254° Kelvin.

So out we go, the demon dog and I, into the cold and snow.

First we checked things out over here.


Then we looked over there.


Maybe look things over a little more over there.


Eventually, the business at hand was complete and we returned to the comfort of our cozy, warm domicile. And while we enjoyed several more frosty, long walks outside over the next couple days, it wasn't until this morning that the temperature changed and we were able to enjoy our outings in balmy 21° weather.

While I truly hate those frigid morning walks, how could I ever so no to a sweet little girl like this?


Until next time...


looks freezing cold out there but the pics are super beautiful and great to know about interesting things thanks for sharing

Thanks! It was bitterly cold for a couple weeks, but is finally starting to warm up.

I have nothing but sympathy for you. We are lucky as Candy takes herself out, no leash. Won't leave the property and we get to stay in our jammmies. Stay warm Brother! that a bell ringing????

NOOOO!!! Wait, actually it wasn't too bad this morning. It's finally starting to warm up a little here. You ARE lucky that Candy takes care of herself. Unfortunately, we've had numerous coyote sightings in the area and a few small pets reported gone missing. In fact, just the night before last, while we were taking our evening walk I could hear a couple coyotes calling to each other in the distance. I'd rather brave taking her out in a blizzard than risk her safety.

Probably wise to accompany the little girl if you've got coyotes telling you they're hungry!
Glad to hear it's warming up💨

Aw happy puppy!

She is indeed, she always has a smile for me when I get home.

Wow...nice post...thanks for sharing

You're welcome!

@gregory-f When I read your post and I see the pictures I felt that the contact between you together have a huge feelings inside both of you just with I look at the position of that she take a picture that she feel great for being with you and having you in this life I like that so much and it.givee great ideat about ur life wonderful pictures and super post I wish to see more thanks for share with us

Yes, she definitely has a very special place in my heart.

That make make so happy to hear and let see more i'm so excited to see @gregory-f

lovely dog, you must get alot of love from it :) damn -19 celcius? that is freezing cold man.. :)

It was indeed very cold. And she gives her whole heart to me every day.

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