Dogecoin and Dash going up.

in #dogecoin6 years ago (edited)

While the rest drop?

What is going on with all these blockchain transactions?

Sure, but EOS paused.

Quite smart, pausing a blockchain when something buggy has been detected. It was fixed within 6 hours and the EOS blockchain moved on. Of course the Bitcoin fanatics were ready with their sticks and stones. Well, just ask them how many hardforkenings that one had. And then ask how BTC is doing transaction wise these days. Well dropping in blockchain activity, day after day. Just like many others, to be honest.

Yes, but EOS... Has a safety-net build in, that worked perfectly. Sure, but Bitcoin... Then something about uptime. While apparantly forgetting that EOS is a smart-contract system, an autonomous decentralized application platform. Still, I know, there is no sense in talking sense to trolls in the game to spread the word of hate. Yeah, but what about the transactions in a day?

The Crypto Realm cleansing.

It is still ongoing. And it seems to become more visible in the amount of transactions performed each day by most blockchains. The Crypto market still is acting like there is a shitpile of gold somewhere. Reality has not yet sunken in there yet. "Hey wow, wait a second there!", you may have shouted out by now, because you expected no such gloom and doom in this post. And I should get my crystal ball out again, maybe lie even...

Something positive? Well that fake value fraud Bitcoin Cash, BCH, shows in the fast dropping transactions per day how useless that crap actually is. The value was virtually created and then abused to get it out high on top. If something had been an attack on the one only real Bitcoin, BTC, then it was that China controled big blocks business madness. But that was to backfire, like can be witnessed now.

Overall big transactions drop.

Steem performing way under its average, but still kicks out 1.2 million transactions per 24 hours. Bitshares doing close to 900K a day. Ethereum still stuck in a traffic jam at 625K. Bitcoin down to 154K at spot 4 and look who is the first blockchain actually gaining transactions? Yes, it is the little dog that could, Dogecoin, DOGE, close to 40K transactions in one day! What!? Yes, that little bugger, doing more than 25% of the transactions Bitcoin does!

Such transactions, much wow! Again making the biggest laugh that so called Bitcoin Cash, BCH. Seems Dogecoin is one of those real P2P digital Cash systems, the dream of Nakamoto Satoshi come true. DOGE xtremely cheap in every way. And after the purgening it will stand tall, with some others, like DASH. Because that one is on its way up. And somehow I do expect those who are leaving the sinking BCH ship are moving towards DASH. Endorsing it publicly, as it is Digital Cash, P2P style.

Goldrush into empty mines.

One part of the crazy price pump, of which the market is now down by about 75%, was caused by a bad goldfever spreading. And since the severe drop things have become rather silent. Many ran to the goldmines finding dust at the most. Lots of scamming Innitial Coin Offering {ICO} projects shaking peoples money out off their pockets. Golden mountains everywhere, lots of promises, not delivering. At one point that had to lose trust of the many, as it did.

It is not a hot topic anymore at parties: "Did buy me some Bitcoin today...", will just get one a smeared dirty look. "But hey, how about The Red Devils at the worldcup ey...?" Might be the only safe follow up to that. "It is them or Spain." (No, I do not even watch it, I just listen very carefully to those who do.) And I'm not happy about this all, my portfolio had that 75 percent hit too. Still HODLing all the way though.

After the cleansing.

Cryptos that still perform in growing blockchain transactions, like Dash and Dogecoin, do give me hope. Things will turn around eventually, but I am still convinced that it will need the cleansing to turn things around. And that is a rough ride for many, me included. Nakamoto Satoshi will not be around for a second comming, it is up to us all to keep the faith and make it happen.

Dogecoin, DOGE, is strongly undervalued, I think. But there should be at least some billions left over by the failing BCH. Steem could get some of that too, like Dash and Bitshares. EOS would once it shows its true purpose. But before you put in all you have, remember to only invest in Cryptos what you are willing and able to lose.

May the Cryptos be with us!

Only two manage to grow, Dogecoin and Dash.
Screenshot taken at


I like doge as hope it will do more and more better. Thanks @oaldamster for the valuable updates.

Yes, please, Doge could do with a market boost too.

Hopefully the dogecoin remains in a good position.
Thanks @oaldamster

Transaction wise it could go up even more.
Hopefully in market price too.

It is interesting and useful information.
Which one is better, EOS or DOGE?
Have a good day @oaldamster

It is difficult to compare DOGE and EOS.

For cheap and fast transactions without the need for a registered account, the digital equivalent of 'cold-hard-cash', for instance, I would prefer Dogecoin any time, over any other Crypto.

EOS is an extremely powerfull blockchain operating system. It would be a waste to use it just for payment transactions. Also it is more like bankers-virtual-money, one needs a registered account on the EOS blockchain to be able to use it.

EOS can run extremely complex smart contracts, applications, that Dogecoin can not do.

To me they both serve a real purpose, each to be valued in their own way.

I see. So, Can we register DOGE with a fake account ?

No, all you need is a (light) wallet to use DOGE.

Like which you can use on your smartphone and/ or your desktop computer.

If you need an account, even a fake one, for being able to use Dogecoin then you are probably using a wallet-service and/ or a (de)centralized exchange.

JAXX is one of the HD multi(lite)wallets that I've been using with Cryptos that are like P2P digital cash. Like all Bitcoin type of Cryptos. It works with Litecoin, Dash and Dogecoin, just like that.

Gogecoin is better for now. Thanks @oaldamaster

For a joke coin, Doge has done incredibly well. How high do you think it can go?

Hard to say right now, but I think it should be able to get to $ 0.01 at least. Could take a while though.

It will certainly be interesting to see what happens, especially because of the huge supply. Is there a supply cap?

As far as I know there is no cap.

Nice post
Good , job carry on .

Thanks for sharing @oaldamster
Upvote you .

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