in #dog6 years ago

I had the most amazing creature in the world her name was glycerin big woman of love dog or woman for short. There's so many stories I could tell you about her she she was an outrageously smart animal! Once she got into a huge brawl with 6 pit bull teens and the mother and there was nothing anyone could do but watch I remember turning to Jacky my roomate who owned all the pits and saying "My dogs going to die huh?" I can remember the look she gave me,like it was yesterday, her eyes screaming the most sincere apology. Both of us where certain my dog could never be okay there was so many of pits attacking but Glisterins battle skill were flabbergasting! She was a straight gangster but she at the same time she was so sweet and mindful of the puppies! She would only nip them on the nose. One by one the pups got nipped and scurried away and we corralled them into the house. Mama pit and big woman went at it for a bit longer before we could get them apart. I remember looking her over for wounds multiple times because I couldn't accept the fact that she made it threw that epic fight with only a mild puncture wound. Mama pit was swelling up like a balloon. The tables had suddenly turned and I was consoling Jacky.

There was another time when she ate the neighbors cat and the lady got in her suv and tried to run her over. I was at work but my roomate was giving me a play by play on the phone. My heart sunk somewhere into an abyss when he screamed "she hit her she's under the ca-r! " the word car getting cut of by his laugh. She some how made it between the tires and started playing the circle game with the car and ultimaly the woman wound up crashing into her own garage. Choose all right so there was no thanks she didn't eat the cat she obviously eat the cat a couple days later with the blood still on her she came home with a kitten in her mouth. I was horrified thinking that she'd eat another cat but she had brought it home as an adopted child. When she dropped the kitten it walked behind her and latched onto her tail and this is how Big would walk around her kitten child attached to her tail it was the most adorable thing ever.
She was a mastermind escape artist. I use to ge t so mad at my roomate accusing him of leaving open the door because she kept on getting out. Then one day my roomate andbi had forgoten something when we returned home it was just in time to see her shutting the window to the basement.
She would escaping all the timed! Then she would go on a prison break missions.EVERY single dog in oil dale had been broken out of their yards by her. She went as far as digging a hole under a brick wall to get a member of her pack. Doing this in a cunning manner by making sure to keep the dirt from her tunnel hidden behind the discarded sofa. She must have dug at that hole a little every day for at least a month. You could fit a tall can in the hole and the pillars of dirt where almost to the top of the discarded sofa so strategically hidden by the sofa so no one could foil her plan. It's was quite an impressive feat for a dog. After she'd break everyone out of thier yards she would take the pack of 15+ dogs and would sit in the grass across the street from the house at an old woman's house who hated dogs. I never heard the end of that woman's complaining about it. One dog parent was so mad because Big had dug a bunch of red herring holes to distract from the actual escape root and once the lady realized she had been duped she wa s pissed but also shocked at how conniving and thought out it was.
The dog catcher wanted to capture her so bad but she was so quick and smart once she jumped over the brick wall and crashed straight threw the screen of the (thankfully) open window to get away. The angry dog snatcher beat on my door forever screaming "I know that your in there! I'm going to get that dog you just wait .." He never did lol. I had to break into my apartment once and i knew when I did it was going to show her how to break out. I crawled threw the window where I had a little swamp cooler in as i came in her head started tilting back and forth and knew she figured out an escape root. That night I came home from work and was getting gas at the station next to my house and big woman came from behind me and jumped at me so excited to see me and i said " what are you doing here?" She looked at me in an"o shit I'm in trouble" and booked it back home (Only a few house down from the gas station) when I walked into the house she hammed it on good stretching and yawning as if she had been there sleeping the whole time. So funny.
She was kinda a celiberty she never wore collar and people who i didn't have a clue who they where knew her by name.
She was a Fucking amazing creature that was a magical gift from a higher power. I don't know what I did to deserve something as special as her but I'm eternally grateful for the privilege of being the leader of her pack. I got her when i was half homeless with no buisness owning a dog and everyone thought it was "bad" idea but that was thr best decision I ever made

My fragile mind shattered with the realization that she dies. I had never thought about her mortality till it was at the door. l was ill prepared for her departure. My amputated heart had little left to bleed that year. It was as if a thief had robbed me of everything. My Tangled thoughts had refuse to wrap around the reality i had a responsibility of taking away her life and i was left with only an echoing lonely that engulfed all of me. The connection I shared with that creature can't be touched by anyone. There is nothing that can surrogate her incredible. There will never be another soul on this planet that connects with me the way glisterin did. Devastation was the year of 2015 it started taking right away when my adopted mother passed I barely had time to process her departure before i had to prepare for the love of my life, the part of my soul that makes whole to join her in that o so far place in the sky. Then tobtop it all off my estranged mother passed away a week before i put my precious glisterin was taken from this lifetime into the unknown. I wish I could play the cicle game one more time with her. I know she isnt lost but without her here the air feels so empty when I breath. How does one say farewell to a chunk of thier soul? I still dont know. Its been a few years now and the heart ache has softened but it still stabs at my chest when I am walking and anytime I hear the Muse it was her favorite band. She would hear them playing in a passing car and get so excited. I never thought dogs had preference of music but she did. Writing this makes me cry. I miss her terribly I probably always will. I am so greatful I had the privilage of her tapping feet following me for my entire adult life. I had 13 years with the most incredible creature in world but i selfishly wish i could have her for so much longer.

This is a poem I wrote after she passed:

 Parts of pieces mix and mingle,

time wears away with an ancient wither,
sideways 8's Splinter into a mosaic figure.

This rip apart is taking,
it's breaks every broken whole,
and it's Barren of any console.

Where can you go when the sky turns black ?
When your a Leader left without a pack?

When my home is wherever you are at,
if you go a house is all that is left.

I'm Scrambling for a scrap of sense,
as a stalking Deaths closes in on your breath,
crumbling with each of your brittle steps.

Like the Silent sound of ringing bells threw the ear canal,
a lugubrious vibration echos out, and sorrow breaks the barrier of sound.
It Shatters the frame of my fractured mind,
moments are dwindling grains of sand in time.

Years have eaten away your youth,
inevitability shakes with this malnourished truth.

A trembling bounces all around before it tumbles down,
Sending jolts of weak that severe at the knee.
Slicing fissures spider out,
the cracks start deepening.
It strikes grief and the now the foundation is weakening.

The last straw snaps with a deafening crack,
and All around is the crashing sound of falling ground.

A chill of Intangibility goosebumps skin and stands every hair on its end.
As mortality shivers up the spine,
with a freezing cold goodbye



What a beautiful story! You had me laughing at how she "ate the neighbor's cat" and then caused the neighbor to crash into her own garage, and how the dogcatcher wanted to get her so bad but couldn't...what antics she did!...but then the end is so forlorn, especially these lines in your poem

...a Leader left without a pack
When my home is wherever you are at,
if you go a house is all that is left.

She was such a pretty dog, too! Thank you for sharing her story!! <3

I am really glad you enjoyed it. She was quite an amazing creature :) it is tough not having her around anymore and when i lost he I kinda lost a piece of my self with her .. something as important as an arm or a leg

One female dog and her female children could produce 4,372 puppies in seven years.

I wish my dog had puppies :/ she had one still born the only time she was pregnate I think it has to do with the huskey breed they can't mate with other breeds I think it was a German mutt shepherd that knocked her up so he may of had just enough husky in him to get her pregnant but no farther than that. I wish i xould have another dog of her lingage. I might still be able to if i can find thee breeders I got her from ...

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