[Sirius, fluffy traveller] - Happy doggy that loves cuddling=)

in #dog7 years ago (edited)


I decided that even if my photography chapter has cracked up a bit, I still have something to tell you.
So please welcome my lovely doggy traveller!


His name is Sirius and he is not serious at all.


My fluffy companion for all my adventures. Cheese addict and loves cuddling.
And just a cutie cute=)

It is going to be 2 years he lives with us, and each day I realise that I cannot imagine my life without him. Even though I was always surrounded by animals, my life changed completely with Sirius.

During my childhood years even if we did not have cat or dog at the house, we were always saving homeless, taking care of them, finding them homes. My childhood passed outside, playing and discovering the world. Animals were a huge part of that world.
Later I grew up enough to had cats, parrots or rats at home but never a dog. I was really sure that I am 100% cat person, and dreamed to have one when I arrived in France. My boyfriend is allergic to cats, so it was not an option at all. So I just kept dreaming and that was it.

Till one day when I saw a pomeranian... My heart drifted away.. I saw a tiny fluffy reddish puppy and my heart melted like it had never melted before...
However it took me almost 4 years to make a decision. I was always delaying the decision, saying to myself that this is not the moment yet, not yet, and years were passing... One day my boyfriend just told me that the right moment could never come. I agreed.
I started to search for the Pomeranians to adopt. Not only because I wanted it so much but also because of the size. I am travelling a lot and big dogs have to go to the luggage section in planes, while Sirius travels all the transport with me from the age of 4 months: trains, plains, cars, metros, bicycles, plains again... And he travels on my hands or knees, because his is small..It is true that British Airlines are not our case, but well, I do not care till the moment my fluffy friend is in comfort with me in the safety of my hands=)

After a month or so, we found one girl of 5 years old. She was in the adoption centre pretty far away from us. We were told that she was not aggressive just scared of everything and not quite stable.
We went to the centre and my boyfriend took a word from me that if nothing worked out, I would not cry. If she did not make the contact, I would not cry. Oh boy, I broke the word.. I cried like a hell...

Her name was Elise and it is a sad story because she has never known love and cuddling in her life. She was kept by the breeder in the cage the whole her life, and the moment when she became useless for breeding, this "human" dismissed her to the adoption centre. She was aggressive, trying to bite and hide. Nothing was helping. Then she went in her cage and I saw how stress went away, she relaxed and calmed down. My heart broke... We talked to the keeper and she told that it would be complicated for us to find contact with her as we had never had any experience with dogs at all before... That she required an experienced master who would help her to overcome her fear little by little. I was not that master. and we left...
During our 3.5 hours trip back home I cried my eyes out for her...
Have you ever seen the Pomeranian, guys? They are so cute and fluffy, so small and so adorable... Like all animals.. I had only one question in my head that trip - how human can be that cruel.... how..

It was a hard moment. But I also knew that I was helpless to Elise... hate being helpless...

It was obvious that we needed a puppy, not an adult dog, so we can learn with him how to train him and what is good for him and bad.
And then we found Sirius. Far far away from us. I was so vulnerable those days because I did not know what to expect and how it all would happen and go.

But I knew that it was our dog. Because of his name.
Remember I was telling you that I moved in so many times in my life?
For the last 4 years I have found out that no matter how many apartments and cities I change, I had all the time (even in the hotels!!!) the same star shining in my windows. I got curious, and with simple application on my phone identified it. It was the star called Sirius in the constellation of Dog.


thanks for picture

And because it was always with us, this star, we decided to name our future dog with its name. We did not plan doggy yet for that time. We just thought it and forgot.Till the moment I received a call to choose the name for the puppy. There was only one requirement - the name must have started with "S"....=)

And then he arrived, half grey, half red already:


From that moment life was never the same. You are grumpy in the mornings - forget it. Want to sleep a bit more - forget it too. Do not want cuddles - well, he wants so, human, you have to obey, lol!


Will keep you posted about him!
If we manage to make you smile more often - then it will be great!

Thanks for reading!
Dogs are human best friends!


Dogs can count up to five and can perform simple mathematical calculations.

That is true=) they are very clever, and if you train them - they are full of surprises=)

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