Introducing a new pup to existing pets

in #dog7 years ago


Boudica is an English Bulldog. She's 8 weeks old and joined our family today.

Introducing her to the established pack

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I've got a male bullmastiff (Trevor) and a female English Bulldog (Nelly). Although the human members of the pack are excited and happy to welcome Boudica, we're not naïve; we know that dogs view new pack members as a pain in the arse, especially if they happen to be hyperactive pups!


The first hour or so was a bit hairy. Nelly (the Bulldog) was extremely curious, sniffing and prodding. The pup was rightly terrified and pancaked to the floor. Trevor had a sniff, realised he couldn't eat or fuck it, and went about his business.

Fun and manners

Pups just wanna have fun. Boudica doesn't yet know about house rules or manners. This is something she'll learn over the next few weeks. And it's gonna be a steep learning curve.


The older dogs will teach her that it's NOT OK to:

  • Tit about too near to me
  • Try to eat from my bowl
  • Bite my face or ears or tail
  • Bark at me while I'm sleeping
  • Cuddle up to me
  • Take my toy

It sounds harsh but that's just how dogs are. We – the human pack – will be there to help Boudica, Trevor and Nelly adjust to the new family dynamics. It'll take a while for things to settle down so I'm expecting quite a lot of drama (and dog shit) over the next few weeks.

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I'm going to be using the clicker method. The dog is conditioned to feel good every time she hears the click sound. I start by giving her a lick of liver pate or peanut butter when I press the clicker.

The dog soon starts to associate the sound with a delicious treat. When she's hooked on the reward, I introduce the click sound to accompany welcome behaviour, such as toileting in the appropriate place. I've found this to be the quickest, most efficient, way to train dogs. Gradually, I withdraw the treat but only when the proper behaviour is well established.

I'll also be using the clicker to reinforce acceptable behaviour in the other dogs. They'll get a click/treat when they refrain from beasting the new pup.

Safe space

The older dogs will be given a 'safe space' when Boudica gets on their nerves. No, I don't mean we'll refrain from swearing, or racism, or misgendering in their presence. I mean I'll give the dogs somewhere to go for a bit of peace. Everyone needs a break from pups; dogs are no different.


It's vital to give dogs adequate nutrition. So many people feed their dogs junk food in the form of tinned slop or highly processed kibble. Admittedly, I've fallen prey to this kind of lazy convenience during busy spells. Now, however, I'm going to be feeding my dogs only raw meat and raw bones from a reputable online supplier. This is what they evolved to eat and is the most healthy food for them. It drives me crazy to read about dogs on vegan or vegetarian diets. Those poor poor dogs.


The name, Boudica

She's named after Boudica, a Celtic Warrior Queen of ancient England. It also happens to be a character in the kids' cartoon: Horrid Henry – one of the reasons it passed the Approval Committee. The other reason being we can shorten the name to 'Boo'.
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Very cute! I had dogs too. Dachshund, German Sheppard,3 Akitas and a Rottweiler. All of them are gone now. Great to see you are taking good care of them. You can't be THAT bad if you love dogs 🙂

Hope everyone is getting along.

thanks ibobbymari
So far, everything's fine. They've just started ignoring each other which is brilliant. It's nearly 2:30 am here. I'm staying downstairs (on my lazyboy) for a few nights to make sure there are no issues before leaving them overnight without supervision.

Such a cute puppie and I'm sure you other dogs will be great mentors 😊 dogs are Awsome.
Beautiful dogs and interesting information. Thank you for sharing. Cheers!

thanks Saffisara
Yes, dogs are awesome. The house just doesn't feel right without one or two or three :D

See ya later

Your welcome! It was well written and such amazing dogs 😊
I can imagine that it doesn't, always nice with great company from one or two or three. Lol
Have a wonderful week. Cheers!

thanks. That's really kind of you to say.
You have a great week too :D

Your welcome dear!
Have a wonderful week. Cheers! 😆

Trevor had a sniff, realized he couldn't eat or fuck it, and went about his business.

I laughed so hard about that & I enjoyed reading how you train your dogs!

I'm glad you found it funny.

Nice to meet Boudica! She seems very serious. lol

I have a fear of dogs. I've come to tame it down throughout the years, I only get really scared if they bark so loudly and I feel that they're going to chase me around.

Your dog training is also very insightful and that could be very useful for those who don't know how to train one.

Nice to meet Trever and Nelly too.

Aw, sorry to hear you're afraid of dogs. Often they're barking to get your attention, for play or just to let you know they're there. Most dogs don't attack people. They're a joy.

Thanks for your comments Dawn.

I think that wasn't for attention. Lol I was chased by one that's why I got traumatized had to climb a gate just so it didn't catch me.

OMG sounds terrifying. I'd be scared too lol :D

@anjkara I wish I could still upvote this, it was fantastic! I love her, she Is adorable! The training is great and food you chose. I like your methods a lot.
Her name is gorgeous and what a lovely namesake. xx

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