DMT Breakthrough- The God Consciousness (Part 2)

in #dmt8 years ago

Continued from Part 1

I was awoken abruptly. Not from any noise. But from the violent buzzing of my entire body. "Wasn't it over already?", was the first thought that I had. I could feel gravity forming inside my solar plexus- vibrating, pulsating and pulling everything into it. The gravity steadily increased as I feel my entire body being crushed under the immense pressure. Never have I had such a bizarre experience from a trip. I started to panic and frantically think of a way out of this. I looked at the time and it's 11.12am. If memory serves me well, a typical trip can last up to 8 hours. I quickly did the math and to my horror, this will only end in another 4 hours! Dafuq am I going to do?

I tried to take deep breaths and relax my body, hoping to ride through this in one piece. The vibration continued to rise and my entire body trembled uncontrollably. I felt an immense energy building up at the back of my spine, slowly creeping up to the back of my head. As the energy passes through my spine, every inch of my body felt like it was about to break apart and explode. I felt no pain physically. But the pain was coming from within my body- my energy body. My entire body would convulse uncontrollably. I tried to keep my eyes open and look at the surrounding to remind me that I'm still alive. Everything looked superficial and unfamiliar at this point. 

A sense of regret quickly overcame me. My mind wandered endlessly to seek refuge. "Have I really done it this time?", "I hope my wife don't find my dead body here", "Will I ever make it out of this?", "Why did I go through all the trouble to get myself into this?", "Those people who reported dancing elves and loving creatures are a bunch of liars", "No matter how much you read on the net, won't be able to prepare you for this", "I need to throw up!". These were among the many random thoughts I had during the panic attack. I kept reminding myself that no one had actually died from taking DMT. That this is just one of the many possible scenarios of a bad trip and I just have to suck up and ride it to the end.

A voice suddenly spoke to me in my head: "So, it seems that you have spent quite an effort trying to seek an answer. You wanted to know what is real? Well, then take it all!" The voice does not sound sinister at all. But with a hint of sarcasm behind it. As soon as the voice finished the sentence, it felt like 100 volts of electricity surged throughout my body on top of the seemingly increasing gravity within my solar plexus. My body curled up into the fetal position from the immense pressure. Fists clenched on their own. All my inner emotions came pouring out uncontrollably. I was crying, laughing, sad, angry, happy, all at the exact same time. Tears flowed down my cheeks while at the same time I was laughing and gritting my teeth with anger. It was one of the most bizarre experiences that I will never forget.

The static buzzing got louder in my head. As if the DMT inside of me have pin-pointed the exact frequency to tune in to. At this stage, my body was still shaking violently. My mouth would open wide on its own and my limbs stretched in the position that can only be seen in horror movies. I was starting to lose control of my body. As I struggled to open my eyes, I could not believe what I was seeing- That it was not my hands that I was looking at. My hands somehow looked like a worn out machine. With textures that looked like an old tree trunk. I can see many layers of skin on my hands. They breath and carry blood through the visible veins. This does not look anything remotely like the sacred geometries that the mainstream trippers reported.

Time does not seem to exist anymore. I looked at the clock and it's showing 11.32. I do not understand what that even means nor how long have I endured this agonizing pain. Every second felt like eternity.

Another white darkness hit me. The buzz was so intense that I was shown flashes of memories. Memories that I never had in this lifetime. Intense pressure started to build up in my forehead at the third eye area. I began to remember things and events. As bizarre as it sounds, I remembered that I was not from this place. I remembered that I have a different life somewhere else. I remembered bidding someone or something goodbye and stepped into a pod. I remembered that I took a long slumber. I remembered that I had a dream- and the dream is this reality! I was in immense fear upon remembering all these. For the substance which I took so casually has made me realize that everything up until now is nothing but a fabricated reality. All the people that I knew- my life, my friends, my wife, my family. Everything will be gone if I ever wake up from the slumber. I just cannot allow myself to wake up! I refused to let go of this material world! 

The voice spoke to me again,: "It's been a while. Now it is time to wake up. Wake up now". I can literally feel myself waking up. It's really hard to describe it but imagine a character in the dreamworld asking the dreamer not to wake up. I tried to ground myself by thinking about my life in this world. Hoping that the trip will end before I awoke from my long slumber. I never wanted to experience total loss of all the things I love in this world. My attachment to all those around me has made the suffering more intense. I still could not accept the fact that I have been living in a dreamworld- a sophisticated yet masterfully crafted one.

My entire body was burning up as I struggled to fight the substance in my body. What on earth is this substance? How can such a simple substance make me experience something like this? Is this what the world government is so afraid of? Sweat drenched my face as I struggled to reach for the fan. Barely able to move, I looked outside the window and all I could see was reality in very low resolution. Everything seemed to be barely hanging on as the matrix is about to crash. "Oh shit. I've done it this time. I can't die yet.. not like this".

I struggled back to the couch, crashing down. I could feel the cold sweat dripping from my chin. I turned over and looked at my surrounding. Everything was shaking as if there's an earthquake. As I continued to fight the substance, another wave hits me. This time, it was different. 

(To be continued..)

*Sorry for so many parts. Too busy with work schedule that I only have less than an hour each day to write..


Well written! I'm going to try to spotlight you in an article.

Thanks man. Glad you liked it!

came back to read again. I cant wait to go on my next trip. Hopefully this time i will be able to write about it.

Trip without any expectations and you will be rewarded with surprises :)

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