
The door at the top would be closed anyway, given that he was an atheist.

“Before we understand science, it is natural to believe that God created the universe. But now science offers a more convincing explanation,” he said. “What I meant by ‘we would know the mind of God’ is, we would know everything that God would know, if there were a God, which there isn’t. I’m an atheist.”

Much like myself. An atheist with a soft voice and a string of broken relationships.

There is at least one afterlife for him that may not apply you and me. Our soft voices won't live on after death.

Unless synthesizer technology goes a good bit further.. which it may.

BTW, I hope nobody thinks I'm some smug Christian. For the record, I'm a proud atheist and huge fan of Hawking.

Thanks for the clarification....and I did get the funny. If Hawking was still here, he might have found it funny too.

On a side note, I hope you don't mind. Two things:

  1. Some guy named @sunny.sam is on the eSteem discord asking why he's getting downvoted. I see you downvoted him but didn't say why (5 days ago)


I don't know if you know, but I'm not part of a steem witness project: @intelliwitness that could use your vote, if you're willing. the post is here

We both go way back together on this chain. I figured I should let you know directly. :)

I think even he'd have given this one a giggle. Well if he could giggle.

Ohhhh bazinggggg. Yea too soon..

This is so so so bad!!! Naughty you!!!

Fairy Tale of After world, but He was the man of knowledge he knows more than those who didn't searched and tried and seek for truth and only believe in one book ( and their book is the right book in each religion)

Where does that step leads to , heaven I think. Ingenuity

It is never to soon when quality memes are involved!! =)

Ohhhhhh my God. nice post....

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