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RE: 25 Reasons Steem Will Replace Bitcoin as #1 Cryptocurrency by 2021!

in #dlive6 years ago

Hello @anonymint ... I don't know you. I've never spoken to you before - so why you would read my comment that is not addressed to you, and figure I was talking 'about you' is beyond me. However, that is usually the case with racism. White people like you decide to go and DEFEND racism; you DENY Racism and for why?? If you're not a racist, why do you feel a need to shoot down any conversations about racism??

Just because ostensibly white male whales happen to be running the scam, doesn’t mean they did so intentionally with forethought about race.

How do you know what their intent was, since you yourself, are Not a whale? - This is the problem with racism; white people like you never want to admit that racism is ever at play. Why?

Do you feel that if you admit that there actually are racist white people, it means YOU are a racist too? If so what kind of silly thought process is that? How are you so comfortable in believing Wild Fantasies are Truth?? What makes you believe non-white people are not smart enough to understand, that Not all white people are racist, EVEN if a lot of white people are racist??

White people being racist, does not make YOU a racist too; BUT defending racism, makes you suspect.

What I wrote, is a reality. You denying that reality, only bolsters my whole point. None of you even want to consider what kind of platform this would be, if racism was NOT an issue. When non-whites get to this platform, they are excited, initially. But then after writing posts that do not get votes, or views, primarily because this platform is filled with racist white people who have no desire to read what blacks have to say, and have no desire to 'help' anyone black - They Leave this platform. Then other whites who start to realize how Little Diversity is here - also leave.

What's left are a bunch of racist, nerdy white people that don't like or get along with anyone else.

How you can think that isn't negatively impacting this platform, is beyond me; BUT you don't think racism is a big deal - you are one of those white guys who thinks blacks are just making it up all the time; and no white people are working together to harm others ever --- which is a ludicrous belief system with all the History of Evidence we have that this is actually what white people do. Not all whites, of course - but plenty ..... you all need to adjust how you live on this earth; You're messing it up for humanity.

and because of your attitudes, this platform and all connected to it will fail. Other platforms, programmed by people who understand how racism cannot be allowed to permeate another space, will rise up. I care not if you agree with what I'm saying. I know it's right.


I’m working on creating a system that won’t give inequitable rewards to whales so that all those who join can compete meritoriously.

I have no evidence that when the whales of Steem created Steem with a design that is inequitable that they did so to discriminate against any race. FACT: the Steem system rewards the whales at the expense of minnows of every race and gender. You may see some whales upvoting some white friends of theirs, but there’s plenty of white minnows who are not being upvoted. And in fact I am upvoting dark skinned people. If you don’t believe she is dark skinned then you haven’t seen or tasted her dark black crotch! She’s just hiding from the sun always to try to be brown only. The ridiculousness of this point about darkness of skin color is to exemplify the ridiculousness of making an issue of how dark or light-skinned a person. The world doesn’t owe you a damn thing. If some group of people decide they want to exclude you for whatever reason, then that’s their prerogative. Go make your own if you feel neglected in theirs. Don’t try to tell them they own you anything. California is bankrupting itself with that politicization.

Besides dude, I am not even 100% “white”. My grandmother of my mother’s side was brown skinned with a large percentage of Cherokee native American indian ancestry.

Dude I grew up in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and we were so poor at one point that we were living next door to black people who had holes in the walls of their house and no functioning toilet. And I attended an elementary school in which my sister and I were one of only a few non-African kids in the entire school. I’ve enjoyed very much black people in Louisiana. But you’re correct that I associate more lately with nerds, because I want to be productive. When I was more into sports in my younger years, I had more opportunities to be associated with African lineage guys. But there are also some Africans getting into high-tech. The world is changing fast.

You really need to stop playing politics, playing the victimization role, and focus on doing something productive. There are many successful African people. And the ones who are successful get on with it, and stop whining. And as I said, many of us are working hard to create a more meritorious world.

P.S. You’re in Los Angeles? So you know Culver City. That is where I graduated from high school. I was a walk-on football player at Santa Monica junior college one summer camp and we had mostly black players. One of them was from Maryland and he and I become friends and hung out sometimes. One of my roommates at university was a light skinned black. Among my many interests, I also like basketball and I listen to all kinds of music including rap, R&B, etc..

You're being the typical obtuse white guy on purpose who tries hard not to understand what others are saying. So that's fine. I know who I'm dealing with as your 'kind' permeates American Society. We deal with you all the time, as you're all the same. you talk at people and never listen to what others have to say. So much of what people like you do, involves racism at the very top. I have been building websites since 2004 - over 14 years; and all my interactions with white/asian programmers has been filled with disrespect.

Denying that racism is the culprit is just part of your Cult. IT's how you roll. with dishonesty.

SO in several ways, it's actually partially joyous to see people like you suffering from what Racism causes. It causes inequality, and it causes all the issues you're mad about. It all stems from racism, racist attitudes, hate; The UNWILLINGNESS TO SHARE resources --- but you don't see it; from how hard you are working to defend racism. Deflecting doesn't change the reality that you cultures hate for non-white people will only cause problems for humanity; and everything we touch.

I just wrote a review on Agents of Sheild and how the fans in Facebook want the ONLY black character off the show; Why is that? Oh I'm sure it's not racism because nothing is ever racism when white people tell the story .... ;)

and you'll see I don't offer it up as 'evidence' or proof; - people like you are Morally Corrupt. Being honest isn't in your Genetic make up.

lastly claiming to have ONE black friend does not make you look like you aren't a racist. :)

nor does telling me you like rap and r&b ..........

none of that has sh*t to do with the fact that white people do not VOTE UP articles written by black writers on this platform; They don't resteem articles from black content creators; they don't leave comments or show anywhere near the kind of love to black steemers as they do white/asian ones; and that filters into all the problems you're speaking of, where the Whales end up being 99% white or asian; and you don't see race ... b/c you love the benefits that come from being white and the last thing you want is a actual fair world where all of us are just people.

I already told you I want a meritorious world.

You’re presuming they aren’t resteeming your content because of race. Maybe it’s because they aren’t sharing your interests, the way you write, etc.. You have to build a community of followers. Who are your type of people? Are they on Steemit? But I also already told you that Steemit is a broken design and I don’t advise you to waste your time trying to build something here. Look for a better platform.

Talking about race all the time makes you look truculent and undesirable. Any way that’s what you want to focus on, but I have more important things to do and certainly more enjoyable activities to do than beat a dead horse about this issue.

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