DLive.. ¿Controversy? Ha, this is just a simple case of skewed perspectives!!

in #dlive6 years ago (edited)

😍😘 «-PREFACE-» 😘😍

Without diving too heavily on this particular aspect of "the problem", let's say that ideally a healthy economy should have equality of opportunity, but never and I do mean never, equality of outcome. '1'

Why should users/investors continue buying and powering up STEEM when so much influence is freely given to people with no stake of their own and with no real interest to build quality, lasting apps on the Steem blockchain? '2'

Unfortunately the crypto scene has very short memories, a symptom of an instant gratification culture that maximises immediate return. '3'

Honestly the more I read posts, and above all, comments about this unlucky Dlive incident, the more amaze me the evident incongruities of everyone.

And I will pick this specific @mindtrap's comment below within @meno's popular and very commented post to establish my point. Since it is just his comment which collects and summarizes with greater eloquence the general opinion of those who now say they feel so aggrieved by the recent decision of Dlive's executives.

Therefore, bear with me for a little while. }:)


First of all WTF. And I mean ¡WTF! with all its bold capital letters. Let's see:

As you said...everything was there but we didn't see the signs. '4a'

Oh boy!

  • ¿Wasn't it and has not been it always more than noteworthy for anyone here that the Dlive project never had anything to do with the Steem blockchain core project?

  • ¿That Dlive never were an open source project to begin with and therefore not a decentralized DApp, steem website or decentralized application either?

  • ¿That they indeed had planned in advance use the Steem blockchain as a simple and faster payment gateway at hand to reward their eventual community of videostream users in order to quickly implement and evaluate the results of the 'proof of concept' of their vision asap?

  • Same and just as they could have used paypal or any other blockchain with existing tokens like NEO, LISK, Stratis, Ethereum ERC-20s or anything else to accomplish the goal?

Yeah! of course that as long as the heart and foundation of their own existence also had to do with the creation of a living Social Media/Social Network experience between Human Beings, they obviously needed attract & build an user base first. Again ASAP.

Even when it comes to barely forming a pretty small and very reduced community of specialized online users in their own specific niche of development (Live content from Vlogers-Videostreamers) to test their project's philosophy, possible and feasible internal rewards mechanism & underlying technical infrastructure. Their very own proprietary platform with its own and independent behavior and even, yet, also test all the shenanigans and skulduggery they would wish to try?

Come on! ¿Was not this obvious and evident to most of you here from the very beginning?

What bothers me most is not that they played us but the fact that they funded their project with Steemit. Inc's delegation. '4b'

  • Did the money from that Steemit Inc's delegation come out of your pockets?
  • From your parents' pockets?
  • From your uncles and close cousins?
  • ¿No? ..then, ¿What's all the fuss about?

Of course they would need users, guinea pigs, lab rats or whatever you want to call them. And they would need them in large quantities to take off. The more the better. And again ASAP!! ¿And what would you do in their shoes? From an entrepreneur's point of view that has already acquired previous commitments, deadlines and shit with a bunch of investors who demand fast results and are also avidly waiting to evaluate and ponder the next phases of the project development?

¿Were you going to reinvent the wheel looking endlessly that a massive amount of stray online "test-rodents" out there come to you voluntarily from the middle of nowhere? Of course not, if you want to have the quickest keen & zappy results.

Where the hell on earth already existed a large enough community of avid users in frank growing willing to earn monetary rewards through their own content and that they were already enthusiastically alive sharing their visual stuff every day there?

And additionally and more important, that they were already half educated and half familiar with cryptocurrencies and concepts like PoW, PoS, PoA, PoB, DPoS, PoSign, "Proof of Capacity", "Proof of Devotion", "Proof of Weak", "Proof of Human Engagement" or "Proof of Whatevah" blockchains with all their errors, pitfalls and faults already more than demonstrated?

Obviously, Steemit and the Steem blockchain was the perfect target. ¿What did you expect? So, they had to join here. They had to try roll out their experiment in here. This new and thriving social network based on the steem blockchain represented the perfect opportunity to experiment for a while even if all the objectives were not achieved in the time foreseen.

Ah! yes, but then all of the sudden something unexpected happened. That surprised everyone including themselves. They received a generous awful chunk of 'money' (Read SP delegation) 'out of thin air' that changed everything in an instant.

Suddenly they saw themselves with new high octane fuel injected in their engines and major resources as to step the accelerator till the bottom in their growing plans. They had to act immediately and show positive results as soon as possible to justify that they were worthy of such premature courtesy, appreciation and recognition. ¿What else could they do?

Faced with such a surprising, beneficial and fortunate welcome, they had to test everything to maintain and conserve that abrupt chunk of wealth to carry out their primary objectives. Again ASAP!! Even if that meant use it thru some kind of ethical bribes, attractive baits and tasty juicy rewards for all those who wished to participate in the scramble early. And with this, they achieve their main objective. Recruit the biggest userbase they could in the shortest time possible without costing them a single penny.

¿Why? Well easy!! Because well they knew that GREED is an outstanding motivator. And GREED is floating in the air everywhere. And that in fact they didn't have to invest a single penny of their 'real money' in all that awful amount of 'virtual money' to now buy cheap and in rebate without much effort what they really came to look for here. Brandnew users, guinea pigs and lab rats for their own experiment. A fresh userbase of wannabe vlogers & video streamers to fill up their new place and headquarters wherever it could function and settle eventually.

¿Is this clear to everyone now?

¿Yes? then...

¿What are you complaining about now?

¿Why are you feeling so butthurt now?

¿Who cares where DLive is going now?


Follow suit wherever they go and keep doing whatever you were doing with them before or just shut the hell up. It is solely their own business if they succeed on this new LINO endeavor or if they fail miserably in this recent choice of movement. ¿Is this that you feel as if they owe you or ought something to you? As if they belonged to you or something? Nobody ever forced you or put a gun to your chest to accept eating from their hands the few seeds of birdseed with which they fed you for a time in exchange for your uploaded willy-nilly video streaming content on their cage. That content never belonged to you, nor belongs to you nor will it belong to you if you were aware that you were giving it up and depositing it in private hands in a closed environment that only belonged to them.

¿Did you ever read their TOS?

¡What the hell! They are now even offering you the possibility to opt-in or opt-out that your precious garbage can be migrated to their new home without you doing anything. That if you are really conscious, you would know that they didn't have nor have no duty to do so. But nevertheless they have done it. Obviously after so much childish whining around. Go and request the same privileges from Youtube, Vimeo, Livestream, Dailymotion, Twitch, Smashcast.tv, Own3d.tv, Boxcast, etc. No matter how much you groan, moan, whimper and mooch around, nobody was going to save you from a big fat middle finger ¡on your face! for being so greedily obtuse and naive. Jeez!!

I really would have liked to see who would have given a fuck for DLive now or before, if they had never received such high amount of SP to reward so splendidly such amount of opportunistic spoiled children who attended early to the fete with so many candies, toys and party favors while the piñata lasted. They didn't even have to use a stick or sweat too much beating that piñata to let that the sweet SP.yed prizes inside would rain on their lap copiously. ¿You know? But yes, I suppose it's all about perspectives. Perspectives and points of view from mature and experienced adults.

¿How do we distinguish between mature and experienced adults and spoiled toddlers?

Ah! easy. The former always has the capacity, abilities and true willingness to feed their insatiable curiosity. To go up and down stairs, swap positions, exchange perspectives and place themselves in the place of others all the time in the quest to find and learn something new. Get up their lazy ass from the comfortable place where it lays and discover that there really is a whole new world that they have never seen or ever imagined before. Unless... that they are really willing to see things from different scopes, focuses & angles they could not and won't be able to observe the world through the eyes of others. Period!

Because to achieve that my friend...

¡You must move around thoroughly to enjoy it!

Long before you dare open your mouth with your tantrums and demonstrate your ignorant immaturity regarding the existence of multiple vanishing points.

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Cranky Gandalf

Cheers!! :)


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Hello friend, awesome write up, I have to say I enjoyed reading your perspective on this conversation. I did want to comment on this.

Did the money from that Steemit Inc's delegation come out of your pockets?
From your parents' pockets?
From your uncles and close cousins?
¿No? ..then, ¿What's all the fuss about?

Oh, by the way, I agree with the over the top emotional responses not being productive and all. But I wanted to ask you more about the idea that nothing was taken.

From previous conversations you and I have had, and even some of the comments you've made in the past that I've been pleasantly surprised to have read, I know you to be very smart, and thus respect your point of views more than you would imagine.

Now, I mean this with no offense or aggression. I simply ask

Where does the money come from?

And since STEEM is an inflationary currency, what is it diluting against?

I don't know if you trade, you might not (I'm not too good at it) but another question. What is the overall general trend of STEEM/BTC? And how does that work within the dynamics of the ecosystem?

I would love to get your input on this, as you always come from different perspectives.

Cheers mate.



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