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RE: DLive is joining the Lino blockchain, moving away from Steem

in #dlive6 years ago (edited)


Shit Post Award Glitterized.jpg
(Now with sprinkles!)

As an experienced longtime producer of amazing content for consumers to enjoy as they utilize this blockchain and as someone who has used their stake from time to time in an attempt to support those using your service known as the Old, Moldy, and now Defunct DDead in order to help your service and the contributors see success, only to be told it wasn't enough and I've wasted my time...


To that I say good riddance!

If the shirt is dirty, throw it out and buy a new one? You'll face a whole new set of problems now with your new plan and there won't be too many places left to run to.

Many folks here will not want to turn their backs on the following they worked incredibly hard to earn and you seem to think a vlogger can do that and then expect donations? Yeah, good luck with that one.

Everyone can go there and start from scratch to enjoy a service that sounds like it's going to be just like all the others in existence today, offering nothing new or innovative. That doesn't sound like a disruptive technology I'd be interested in. It sounds like everything else. These vloggers would be better off now receiving tips and subscriptions on Youtube, because that's what they do there.

If you're planning on reinventing the wheel, you don't just build a wheel and call it a whool instead.

This platform has been working on solutions since day one. They know it's not perfect but they certainly don't want it to remain imperfect forever. Some trial, some errors and a shitload of patience is needed and that's something a lot of people here can handle, which is why we don't see them running away with their tails in between their legs.

I feel used, and I don't like it. We produce content, make sacrifices, build up a fan base, people who stick around, they're here to explore, they see something like Dlive, become fans of new users there. As a content producer on Steemit, that's one of the greatest things I as well as many others do for you folks and we're all facing the same struggles yet sticking around.

Have a nice day.


Agreed and I wouldn't really trust a whool either, haha, and RIP Ddead too.

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