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RE: What's in @stevenalexander's car?

in #dlive6 years ago

Ooooh I LOVE that you took the purse idea and changed it into car! Oooo I wish I was home so I could tour you around my car, too! Lol I don't know why, but I've been always WEIRDLY proud of the stuff in my car.

  1. Missing tooth award- My dentist gave it to me when I was in college because my mom showed her an embarrassing 8-page letter that I wrote to the tooth fairy when I was a kid. Too bad I wasn't on steemit back then...all that writing and I didn't get paid. Unless you count the quarter under the pillow lol

  2. A corn cob that's been in there for 15 years. My friend gave it to me from her corn field to remember her by after I moved away and I've proudly carried it in the back seat pocket of my car ever since. It cracks me up because you know how sometimes you drive people around and they randomly look through your seat pockets? I always get the WEIRDEST reactions when people discover a corn cob in there.

There are more...but that's just for now.

@stevenalexander I way beyond approve of your car hahahaha. Buddha cat I DID try to guess but failed. So exciting that you know @karensuestudios! I had no idea!

I know I've only commented on a few of your song videos but still...they were amazing and I didn't forget them so when I saw her mention you I was like omg I know that guy! Lol it's a small steemit world!

I love the weirdo stuff in your car so much! Hehehe @karensuestudios I'm so glad that you thought this was post worthy! Totally made me smile after the most stressful week in the world


awwww! You are so cute! When we meet one day, first thing I will be touring is your car! HAHAH! Maybe I'll read your letter out loud. hehehe!

My car is just messy! LOL I'm sure there is a bunch of junk... but none as precious as Buddha Cat Bob! LOL

Aww well hopefully this week is bright and stress free! Sending you all the positive vibes! :)

And Leo was precious, too. Hahaha I'd die if you read the letter but I'd let you.

That sounds like fun! But then I have to go through your messy car back. Thank you!

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