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RE: Conversations With A Steem Skeptic & Why I Invest In Steem

in #dlive6 years ago (edited)

I really appreciate that you spoke on what I've been dealing with these last several months with trying to get new people to join Steemit. I have been met with people who are terribly skeptical regarding cryptocurrencies, and it's been like talking to a brick wall when telling them that I got into cryptocurrency without having to invest any money, just by simply writing, commenting and being active on the platform. I do think fear is what holds many people back from using the site, where they could gain substantially by simply adding their material here instead of only on Facebook and Twitter. Facebook doesn't give the user anything for their content, but instead asks for money for their content to be seen by way of advertising. It just makes more sense to me to utilize a site that pays you instead!


Yes, fear is common in most people and things that are new and not understood are perfect breading grounds for fear to flourish.

I just posted video 2 in this series and its maybe even better than this first one ;-)>

I'll check out your part two! Thanks for the reply also. I'm hoping that people will see Steemit as a great alternative to get their ideas out there since the widespread censorship on YouTube has affected so many in the alternative media world. Glad to see people such as Ben Swann and Lee Camp making their presence felt here.

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