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RE: Hearthstone: Cracking Top 100 Legend, Battling Top Pros Along The Way!
Damn, you're a pro! I've only made rank like 5 or something and you're top 100, I don't play much anymore but I'll check this out when it gets generated
Thanks, man! Didn't know you played. Yeah, I have been playing since closed beta, normally I just play casually on my iPad but the recently changed the way rankings reset at the end of each month, so instead of dropping down from legend to rank 16 each month, now you only drop 4 levels. So if you hit legend in one month you can get back to legend in as little as 21 wins (the old method was a minimum of 50 wins). So I used to spend most the season just getting to legend, but with the new changes you don't need to grind as much, so it rewards good play instead of just who's playing the most.
Anyway, thanks for stopping by and saying hi!
Oh, that's awesome, I would play more, but I'm way behind on having the good cards and if I start up I get hooked pretty easy because I hate losing haha. No problem!
Yeah I would not recommend the game to anyone who doesn't already play consistently unless they have a ton of disposable income and disposable time.