Are You Thinking About Leaving Steemit??? Wait.....Don't Gooooooooooooooo!!!

in #dlive6 years ago



I've been hearing about people leaving the platform and others who are unhappy and are planning on leaving.
This information greatly upset my cats and they asked me to make a video about it to help. Hopefully, the people who are thinking about leaving will see it.



  • Try to have perspective and gratitude regarding payouts.

  • Try not to compare the present to the past.

  • Try not to compare yourselves to others.

  • Understand that Steemit is not just a blogging platform.

  • Realize the importance of community, friendships, and Discord.

  • Think of Steemit as a Long Game - try not to place too much importance on the dollar sign next to your post.

  • Try not to get wrapped up in idealism - just like life, Steemit may not seem fair or perfect....but it's still frickin awesome.

  • Cats.


Discord Communities

Here's a post I made that lists several Discord Communities.

How Steemit Discord Communities Can Help You // Minnow University // Help for Minnows and New Users by @isaria


Bottom Line

This cat doesn't want you to leave Steemit and he will grab onto your leg if you try to go.

My video is at DLive


HI guys, yes I should not leave steemit, just wait for this to zoom up again. I anyway enjoying the platform and you guys in this community.
Thanks for people like you keeping us inspired and motivate us to keep kickin.

You're welcome....and thank you!

Hello Mom and Dad .

I think i have some fault in the upsetting since I mentioned I onboarded at least 8-10 musician friends , started a group over whatsapp with all local friends and though about pushing it through the platform as a little music wolf pack , two of them were regular open mic winners.. all of them left. The dollar sign on the posts has some psychological weight and the ''what I expect'' to ''what actually happens'' can drive them away. Eventually this little whatsapp and google hangouts group we did with @meno evolved to @helpie ! so.. from an 8 people whatsapp group we are now a family of 300! ( yes.. just checked the number now ) .

Many people don't understand and don't have an investment mentality , specially among musicians where we basically have to ''catch the gigs'' on a weekly basis to survive. Usually when someone comes around and tells us ''I have a project and we'll see down the road how it goes and we can make some profit'' we run away. So .. i think that mentality is quite attached because of how daily life works ( though it shouldn't ) .

Why I stick around? Well , it's fun and I think I am building something personal , I am building a ''secret'' personal career here and It is great :P , most people outside Steemit don't even know I write songs ! I mean.. I am recording an album thanks to the response I have gotten here , if it wasn't for friends in this platform that cared a little I wouldn't have bothered at all ! So.. yay Steemit!

I guess it's not for everyone but those who left and come back later will regret have doing so ( not meaning it in a mean way , I'll be here trying to help them get back on the train ) . So , as many other stories , I came for the money , stayed for the people. I'm not even a social media person... if you go to my Facebook , or Instagram.. they are quite dead.. I find them to be a burden.. I keep them so people can still contact me if so needed.

Also , you said we should not compare ourselves but .. mom and dad.. why do you both have light eyes and I don't?? Why did you cheat on me on the eye deal? ... filling in a complaint letter...

Also , since one of the points is cats , here.. have a Simba trying to steal my alfajor.

Much Love


My Son,
I am glad that you mentioned it in Discord because it inspired me to make this post!
Also, that's great that the whatsapp group turned into Helpie....which is an awesome group!
I'm not a social media person either. The only social media I do is Steemit.
Oh.....we have also received your complaint letter regarding the eyes and have determined that your eyes are quite lovely.


Give Simba a cookie for me....

HAHAHAHA! Oh boy.. mom.. I wanted to tell you before... I'm sorry... but I hope I am still able to come for dinner now that the secret is out !

Of course! Dinner is at 5:00....we're having cookies!

I almost left Steemit. I know people who have left, are talking about leaving or are on the borderline. And it isn't because of rewards, or not totally, which I know is contrary to what most think. It's because they feel like they are unappreciated or unsupported by the community.

I disappeared for a good month, and three people wrote to me asking what happened. I've known others who had something similar happen. They aren't getting the feel goods that make them want to come back and keep trying.

Part of this is focus. The focus needs to be on people, because that's what community is. I know we are all busy with posts and projects, but it's easy to lose sight of each other - to not notice the people and interactions that fade away unnoticed. Not notice the people that go quiet. People that arent your besties that might need a little help, or some positive energy.

People get upset or angry, and shit happens. This shouldn't be the end of the world. My view is that we should all be reaching out to at least one person a day that they see needs a little love. Love them.

And to those people who are on the border, who feel like leaving and it isnt a rational decision - speak up! We aren't mind readers. We are here for you.

It can be hard to get people to break their silence when they are discouraged... I know commenting on things doesn't come natural to me. I practically force myself to engage in online communities, but I'm usually glad when I do, given the overwhelmingly positive vibes I get from most people on Steemit.

yay!!! moar positive vibes and happy people!!!

Commenting and being social doesn't come naturally to me either. It's waaaaayyyyy out of my comfort zone.
And true, the positive vibes on Steemit do make it worth it. :)

It can be hard for people to keep up with everything that goes on with Steemit and Discord....add real life crap to that and it can be downright overwhelming.
I think smaller, close-knit communities can help form closer friendships. Like hanging out in the same radio shows every week, @helpie, @thealliance, and the steemit ramble discord (PYPT every Thursday - all day).

agree. sometimes we need to take a step back and re-assess. people change and sometimes changing our scene can be a fresh perspective to get more in tune with what we want to do. i read a few weeks back that social media chat rooms can be incredibly socially stressful. I had never really thought about it until then.

Yeah, general chat rooms are too much for me....especially when a bunch of people are typing at once. I like smaller groups.

yep.. chat scroll sucks. I need to be more aware of my energy level cuz it can stress out really easy and ruin the mood.

LMAO every thursday all day, it really has turned into an all day event every week huh?

Ahhh - that was such a lovely video both in 'form' and content! Loved it! The message needs to be spread that we're all here for the long haul and need to invest time and relationships NOW so we can prosper and live our hearts dreams in the future <3

Thank you!

Absolutely Rosa...and thank you...that means a lot coming from you!!!

I gave up on Discord for a while as it seemed everytime I tried to join in conversations (during a pause or appropriate moment) I was ignored and felt like I was intruding into an exclusive club. There seemed to be a group of long-time Steemians only interested in chatting with each other.

Funny thing is I saw a lot of complaints about people dropping their links in post promotion and leaving, YET when someone tries to engage they can't. So I gave up for a bit and just dropped my links and left. Seeing people leaving due to the low STEEM price made me think I might be able to join in again. I'm now regularly dropping into MSP server on Discord and actually getting some interaction. Since there's fewer of us now, we might be able to finally be heard. I encourage others to do the same. :)

I'm glad you came back to Discord! That's a great point you brought up....seeming like you were being ignored...sometimes people need to remember what it was like to be the new person and say hi.....
Msp-waves radio audience chat is a great place to chat. Also check out @helpie, @thealliance, and the

Hey @isaria. The ones that are leaving seem to be the ones who haven't got the concept of being social and part of the community. If they had that then the monetary value would be more of a bonus and not everything.

there are many people who arent socially inclined, but that doesnt mean money is more important. it means they need help knowing how to communicate, or more positive feedback to let them know they are ok. some people are just here for money. if that is their only goal, then they've missed the point.

Couldn't agree with you more. I think a lot have missed the point.

Many people have come here to become crypto millionaires by contributing very little but expecting the world. Then when their expectations dont match the reality they lose focus and leave.

Im not sure those are the people we want building this platform up. Community.... and Freedom is why im here and i've been involved in crypto long enough to know that the price has 0 impact on the function of the technologie. It is unfortunate that not all new users understand this but, maybe in time, they will start to come around.

True, it's quite hard for me to be social. Feedback is important. I suck at commenting because I overanalyze everything I'm typing then I just get anxiety and end up not typing anything lol

lol that sounds so familiar... plus it comes with reading.

I've tried commenting psychically but I don't think it's working very well. lol

Same for me too. Sometimes I try to write a comment under a someone's post but then I realize that I have nothing to add to such a cool post. And since to write a "good post, I liked it" is considered a bad form, the only thing that remains for me is to just leave my tiny upvote and leave.

Very true @cryptoandcoffee, it needs to be about more than just money for this to work.

Yes, original content is king.

Steemit is a platform that gives us artists a space to share our attitudes and experiences, it is very difficult to find a space like this, I feel very grateful with this platform and I want to move forward and thus grow more every day, we must strive to create a good content that may be of interest to others, do it with the best attitude and in this way we are growing, a greeting @isaria, great artist of "Steemit".

Thank you so much for your comment

Awesome post! Now is an AWESOME time to be doubling down on Steem! Because so many people are posting less - it’s a great opportunity for people to really shine and stand out. ♥️

You are right dear, I myself have gone soft on steemit, I'd take your advice.

I have a little request, I could have sent a discord dm, but couldn't find you. I watched your YouTube video on clamming the free byteball thing, thanks for sharing btw, Im now halfway done, I've downloaded the wallet for my PC. Am hoping you can help me with the initial bytes to start up the account.
Thanks dear, have a lovely day.

So true!

Not everyone here is well off financially in real life, so I think I can relate to their frustration. It's even worse when you actually do post "quality content" but make $0.05 while someone else posts a picture of a balloon and makes $20. Some of my friends survive off their earnings here, the fall in price and even an undeserved flag has discouraged many. You're right though, steemit is not only about making money. Socialisation and making meaningful friendships within the community are also important. But I wouldn't worry much, many will return when things get better.

Dlive would not play, but you were thoughtful enough to have TEXT and PICS, so thanks for that! Good message, and I love that last reason and that last image!  joy.png

Thank you Kitty!
Yeah that last pic cracked me up lol

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