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RE: Ulog 18 - Personal Independence Day

in #dlive6 years ago

It was great to listen to you today. I haven't heard you speak before. Thank you for sharing your experience. I am grateful to you for talking about getting through tough times.
I have come back from tough spots before. I worked damn hard to get my health and every aspect of myself back in the past, but this time has been long and it can feel hopeless.
Seeing you at the end of that hard work is very encouraging.
I'm sure you didn't just close a door and find everything was suddenly OK. It is evident you have worked very hard.
Your bell sparked a special memory for me. I want to share this little bell with you. I suppose I used it to sooth as a kid, without even knowing it.
I inherited it too I guess. When my grandmother died I was 9 yrs old. We went with my mother to her home and she allowed us to take items that were special to us. I maintained a shrine of sorts in my bedroom back then. This is one of the only things I still have. I did have one entire shelf on my book shelf of things from my grannys house.
This bell is copper I think, and about 2 inches high. I am ringing it now with gratitude to you for helping me through a tough day.


You made such a beautiful comment. And I just found out about this contest. Maybe you can update with the hashtag...

No. Listening to you speak and benefiting from you sharing your very personal experience felt like a beautiful pure gift all its own. I don't want to negate it in any way. I think these incentives are a good thing, as sadly there is way too much irrelevant comments and spammy content.
I don't usually join a contest for the monetary gain, it doesn't motivate me. Long term steemit satisfaction can't be reliant on wether there is a buck in it or not. I see so many people come and go, because they don't make a quick win fall.
Thank you for the suggestion, I do appreciate it.
Your posts are worthy of a relevant and thoughtful comment without such an incentive. I imagine that is why you were selected @dynamicrypto for the contest. Encouraging people to take the time to communicate in a meaningful way is a great and positive way to combat the disheartening spam.

There is a comment that pops up every time I post. It is a click bait link. Sometimes my days are very isolated, I see a comment and I feel a little encouraged, then that encouragement is dashed by the spammy link. Someone has down voted the account (I'm grateful to those steemit crusaders too), I just do my thing. The best way to benefit from steemit is to just consistently do your thing, if that is authentic then steeming is easily maintained.
I am already a winner listening to you, and having the freewrite always there when I need it.
I think it was @kilbride that used the tag #freewritesavedmylife . She is not the only one x.

You just made me cry. In a good way. Thank you so very much!!
And I am wishing you lots of comments that aren't spam!! I so know the feeling!
Hugs to you!

Now we are all crying <3<3 I'm going to the monkey forest today finally. When I was headed out here my plan was to go by myself for two days and sit in monkey temples and cry and ask for help . I joked about how the monkeys would be so excited to see me that they would carry me away on their shoulders- a homecoming haha. But I got here and also felt isolated because everyone drives these motorbikes and I am having too much anxiety to learn to ride one and then fight the fray. I've been snuggling with a sweet cute guy and he is going to drive us up today. I've also felt isolated in my last relationship as my ex was sullen and withdrawn and stubborn about just giving some intimacy as a gift to me. So today I am headed to sit with our ancient cousins, lay my hand and head on our ancient buildings and enjoy some hugs and the fascinated attention we all desire <3 <3 I will think about you and radiate out my feelings and maybe you can catch a bit , use my electron entanglement properties to share the release from isolation with a far away hug :)

What a lovely bell!! do ring it for yourself. sound therapy is a real thing.

And hang in there. Recovery takes so long. And as you said, nothing is instant and we constantly have changes and ups and downs. Sometimes, when things don't go well - especially if it is our health - it can feel so discouraging.
Hang in there! there are better days ahead!!
Sending you hugs.

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