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RE: Vlog 320: Dealing with Red Markets

in #dlive6 years ago

you were brutal with the truth but sounds like most of my friends.

I sold most but when BTC started to quickly bleed i decided to invest in new ICOs. they all did the same after they went live so either way no one was safe unless someone sold it all


Yeah..I changed a lot of my portfolio around October/November. As I learned more about crypto I decided that BTC was probably not the place to be. So I sold probably half my BTC at that point and invested in mainly protocol tokens and some shitcoins for fun. BTC, ETH and LTC I've been in 1,5 years. Steem since June 2017 and then EOS , ETHOS and SUB. Then I sold most of my LTC (thank god..) before Shitoshi Lite sold his, which was a lucky move by me and bought all these other coins like AION, ICON, MAID,WAVES, LISK etc.

But I've hodled pretty much the same coins since December. And the reason I didn't sell into Tether in later December was to be honest - greed. I had this childish feeling that "what if it just goes vertical for another year"

But you know..the 36 year old non-naive guy in me knew that it was a longshot. Still..crossed my fingers and decided to just hodl. lol.

I suppose we all feel a little weird now in this bear market. But the same way the realist in me knew the market was gonna crash when BTC hit 20,000USD..that same realist in me right now says that this bear market will not last forever. But I also know that they, who ever they are - whales or cartel or just stupid people is able to drive the prices to levels where it will be very difficult to hodl. And it all depends on when you bought in. Was late 2016 or early 2017 early enough to survive? Who is surviving right now? I still have 150% gains in cryptos. What about those with 50%? 0? Down 25%? Down 50%?

It's not easy to close your eyes to losses like that.

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