Vlog 350: Talent need SMT's and investors need STEEM.

in #dlive6 years ago (edited)


I was watching a stream by @mrviquez last night.

He showcased some of the current undervalued hip-hop talent on Steemit as well as some of his own songs.

It was really good.

I upvoted his stream and one of the talents he pointed out here by @eubanksito.

But there are limits what can be done because all rewards depend on Steempower.

And Steempower has become more of an investor token than a token to reward content.

Investors like ROI. So they are chasing it and up-voting others is not the best ROI % so they are not doing that, hence the best talent/content doesn't get rewarded.

Don't get me wrong as an investor myself Steempower is fantastic and I continue to invest in the token and also use it to grow my account as well.

But for talent with no ability to invest in Steempower it's become tougher out there (not impossible but a lot harder) to get rewarded.

Luckily @ned and Steemit is working hard to rebalance this last issue with SMT's. This will be fantastic for the talent out there.

Screen Shot 2018-07-24 at 10.09.11.png

Personally I feel that we are in a sort of limbo period until SMT's come out.

How you spend your time in this period is completely up to you.

I continue to blog and invest in buying STEEM untill it's no longer possible (see vlog).

I believe that any STEEM token you can manage to earn in this period is a gift for early adopters that are here today.

In the future STEEM will be used as:

  1. The only trading pair vs SMT's
  2. Payment for bandwidth of any SMT (Resource Credit here ).

SMT's will provide a huge opportunity for talent out there. I believe the best talent will earn the most SMT's and it will be much more balanced than through Steempower.

And I think just with early Steem adopters the talents first through the door earning SMT's will do very well.

I talk about it more in my vlog.

I am part of witness @blockbrothers.

Please consider us for your witness vote if you think we deserve it here:

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We are the creators of Steemify a notification app for your Steemit account for iOS.

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My video is at DLive


Greetings, Exyle

Really, man.
I confess that I am looking forward to the launch of the Smt. I have not read all about SMT, but I realized that people will need a lot of steem power to be able to "run" the products released on their platform by the Smt. This will make the price of the Steem a great climb.

I'm trying to get as much steem power as possible. I have 12100 and I think that in December, I will be around 13000.

Thank you for posting and Good morning!!!

I just wrote an article about @actifit, the SMT app that pays people for moving around. Yes there is an app that pays people for their activity. And it is on the STEEM blockchain.

The gist was exactly what you are saying. The days of very early adopter for STEEM are gone...the tokens are in the hands of people and it will be harder to amass going forward. SMTs, on the other hand, are a different story. Anyone can be an early adopter in @actifit for example. Their early delegation program allows people to load up. The same is true with other apps like @steemhunt.

SMTs will be another opportunity to get a fair amount of tokens. The STEEM bus might have left but others are on the way.

That is some great info on SMT's. I had honestly not heard of this until now. There is so much other content on Steemit to sift through that I guess I missed it. It will be very exciting to see what happens moving forward. I like you plan on just moving forward the way I have been. Although the rewards are smaller I don't want to loose any followers I have gained by not putting out new content.

To keep succeding we all have to adapt, competition is healthy, that´s why monopoly markets are highly controlled.

When some of the big stars of the outside world come to STEEM, we (early adopters creating content) will obviously lose quality, compared to them, but we will be able to find other type of content or other type of quality to add.

I think you're right about SMT and steem. The early adapters are definitely be the one to get the most of the rewards in the later part of this journey. Investors will definitely need STEEM or at least one day in the future.

"I upvoted his stream and one of the talents he pointed out here by @eubanksito."

I think there should be a sort of talent scouting group on Steemit.
And then post this in a new category next to Trending etc.
Also with a limit so they get exposure for at least 1 day.

You stated here that you will likely step away or reduce your blogging once SMT's are out because there are and will be others that produce better content than your blog.

Excuse me if my opinion differs because there is great value in listening to a 5-7 minute vlog by you that keeps many of us in the know regarding new projects and developments.

That aspect of your blogging/vlogging will only gain in value and usefulness to your followers! Don't Stop!

Thank you for saying that man!

The long painful wait for SMTs :)

I expect we have not seen the person who takes the biggest advantage of the STEEM blockchain. There are several who have a head start... but, I expect someone to have a blue ocean strategy that blows people away! For now keep on accumulating STEEM and Power UP! Invest now while you can afford to invest. :)

I’m not going to blow my own trumpet but I think I deserve a few steem tokens lol when I spend 250 hours on my artwork like this but I rarely get $0.02 if I’m lucky lol. 7472325F-7D5E-40BE-9A53-4321C0E263BB.jpeg

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