WTF @dlive?

in #dlive6 years ago

Just because I gave your app permission so that I could log in does not mean I want you to start choosing whom I follow...!

I have revoked permissions from the app. Anyone who feels the same, you can revoke permission with this link:


didnt see ya for some time, good spot!

I totally agree with you

You are absolutely right, that this is not okay. You have every right to be upset.
This was an error in judgement and it needs to be rectified.
This was modeled after other third party apps, however we feel that no third party apps should be forcing you to follow them.
We want people to follow DLive on their own accord because they feel it is a good platform in their own eyes, not because we force them to.
This will be fixed and a public apology will be given.

I want to use @dlive, but I do not understand how.
what you can explain to me
how to play on @dlive.
thanks a lot @dlive

I'll be curious to see how they d-fend themselves from these accusations, definitely comes off as shady.

ah no, such a pity this has happened. Is this how they got 5900+ followers since Nov? need to check now and see if the same has happened to me

feck, it did happen to me. i am so disapointed. I love the dlive project. really love it. but come on. FFS. This is abuse of rights

Ok, So i posted about this today as well and if anyone can answer it is you @paulag

@personz commented asking for proof. If they are following on my behalf, how can I prove it? Is there a way? Can they edit my posts as me, comment on other posts as me, follow who knows who as me without it ever being provable that it wasn't me?

This is the immutable blockchain and it will prove my actions and interactions. This is not cool if there is no way to prove my innocence if accused of something truly heinous.

Wasn't DMania recently called out for abusing their granted permissions? What is it with the people behind these apps and bots? They all came here because they disliked how FB and the others operate, then they do the same shenanigans. I've recently read and had conversations with other Steemians about this, and many think it is OK, and give the trite answer that, its a free market, anything goes.

now this all deserves a data post me things........(rushing off to get some data.....will do a post tomorrow)

I can’t wait to see that. I hope the BI community can create some kind of monthly audit to check in and maybe keep a few of these places a little more “honest.” By sharing their findings about apps.

With how high the stakes could become in the future I can only imagine a few bad apples will want exploit anything they can for an edge.

We really need to replace the top witnesses on Steemit, as their inaction encourages this. Many are in on the game. This is where the rot begins. Whoever was behind the hardfork 17 must have known that self upvoting and Steem delegation would be abused. Yet it was sold to the minnows that it would improve things for them. Wrong. It has largely been to the sole benefit of the whales.

Looking forward to this Paula!

disappointed, the DB only hold the name of who follows who. I wanted to see timestamps so I could map all of this out. There is no real benefit of producing a data report when all it will list is a couple of thousand names :-( sorry

Well that's an oversight in Steemit blockchain design. Blockchains are all well and good, but are only as useful as the data they store.

The data is stored in the blockchain. It's not being transformed completely into SteemSQL.

So, would there be a way for @paulag to pull out the dates and times of when one profile followed another?

Thanks so much for this i was also so frustrated with it finally revoked it phewww

dTube did it, too. I just unfollowed them. It may be the second time I've unfollowed, or else it was dMania I had to unfollow. I know I unfollowed one of these platforms after signing up to use it. Busy maybe?

Anyway, it's a cheap and underhanded way of going about getting followers for sure.

I'll check my followers list again and see if dtube comes back.

If they were posted to the blockchain you should be able to find the posts by searching with a block explorer such as, or

Oh wow, thats not cool at all. I should probably check it hasnt done the same with me too. Good call!

ooh really? hahha i havent started using it yet!!

Oh wow, this makes so much sense. I thought I was going crazy when I thought my following counter was going up. I can't believe people have the audacity to do this kind of crap as if people aren't going to figure it out.

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