Mic Check - My Very First Drawing On DLive!!

in #dlive6 years ago (edited)


This is crazy, really, this time last year the only pencil I was familiar with was a yellow No.2. This recording process though, my goodness gracious! I’m only a few weeks in and all I can say is.... I’m only a few weeks in!! The employees at the local electronics store used to be real friendly and greet me when I entered: “Hi, can I help you find something?” Not anymore. I can’t seem to find anyone who works there now and the times I do they say “I’m sorry, this isn’t my department.”

My good friend @theruggle and I are working together on these DLive drawings. I say good friend but we all have those, right? He’s a little bit more than that, his parents are my ‘good friends.’ I’ve known him 17 of his 25 years. He was just a little kid the first time they brought him to my place to see if he was interested in the turntables. I worked with him as often as I could, whenever his parents had the opportunity to bring him to my place, we’d get in some practice time. Then they relocated to the other side of the country. He’s been on the music gas pedal ever since. I helped his parents once when they got him a surprise gift - His first set of turntables. Now he’s surrounded by keys, synthesizers, all kinds of drum pads, computers, those old turntables and whatever else you can think of to produce music. He took music to places I never considered thinking about. That goes for fatherhood, too, actually. Hey @theruggle: Congratulations my friend, he’s perfect! All you have to do is what our donors did not. 👍🏿

I spent three hours drawing this microphone. I would record, send the data across the country, remove that data from the SD Card, repeat. Once the data was sent, @theruggle crunched three hours into three minutes. Don’t ask me how! I just do The ArtSworK

We spent quite a few hours bouncing files back and forth figuring out the process, surely we’ll get better. I messed up during the last 30 minutes of the drawing, danget!! I’m still pretty pissed about that one. Just before I started drawing the handle, I used a white gel pen to do some highlights on the left side of the microphone. I stopped the recording when I switched to that pen specifically to show ya’all the gel pen trick. When I started recording again, I guess I clicked ‘Loop’ instead of ‘Video’ on the camera. Danget - Fool me once, shame on me! (If anyone knows the purpose of a Loop option on a GoPro, please tell me in the comment section, thank you.) You’ll see the skip at the last 10 seconds of the video, sorry about that! The music is original, too - Original music produced by @theruggle. You read that correctly, my video guy is also my sound guy. I mean my sound guy is also my video guy. This is our very first take though, no do overs, we went with attempt number one - I think that’s worth noting.

One of these days my wife and I are hoping to locate a desk for me. Right now I’m using a TV tray for these drawings. One of those unfold, eat a sandwich on it, fold it back up tray’s. Stability is at an all-time low! ⭕️ I’m not complaining though, check out all these gadgets we have now!

And a light - I don’t have to stop drawing when the sun goes down anymore.

This conversation is being recorded for quality training purposes only.

Thank you for being exactly where you are right now, we're building this Steemit community together, so far so great! On that note, push play and turn it up. Happy Monday ya'all!


Creative Commons Attribution
BY 4.0

My video is at DLive


This is so cool. @theruggle the music is awesome! You guys did a real good job with your first attempt at it.

I can’t believe this level of detail is so easy for you @dandays. Keep up the good work fellas, no telling where this will go.

I know you know I’m being sincere when I say ‘this is all new to me, too!’ Hey did you know I’m the luckiest guy I know?

My arm👍9BF6B1A3-636F-495D-B2FD-44A2AEDEA67F.jpeg

That’s a great looking piece! I bet it hurt like “ouch!” Thanks a lot for sharing @geneverettshow.

That purple on your arm sure is impressive maintaining the color. Is it fairly new? Between a year or two?

Actually was 2008 so almost 10 this summer.
I had it done by one of the best guys in Nyc.
This is him

Man I just checked out his page, ya he’s a bad mofo for sure! Well I don’t know what kind of ink he was using 10 years ago but especially for a purple.. it’s holdong up great.
I just checked out your shots of Central Park, NYC and north all the way to Maine, I never got a chance to see that coastline. How’s the lobster in Maine? What all am I missing?

It’s amazing up there!
I’ve only been twice
But it’s frash!
It’s pretty amazing in Massachusetts which is much closer but Maine can’t be beat👍

I’ve been as far as Florida, just never went farther north than DC. The west and everything in between, I’ve managed to venture but not all those upper east coast states. Not yet at least. New Hampshire is on my to-do list also, it’s one of only 5 states without property tax! 👍🏿

I wasn’t even aware of that! I hope it stays that way!
People are leaving fast from over taxes states. I hope NH can stay this way.

Woah, state tax! Not property tax, that was an accident. Yes, that’s true though, there’s currently only 7 states in the country free of State not property tax:
Happy Wednesday!

Nope been 9 years

I really loved everything about it , I am curious to know why you hid your tatts !
Man that was so enjoyable, the music too, and I loved this little ray of light getting inside halfway through the video !
I look forward to more , it was worth the wait !

Man thank you so much! I’m real excited about it, too. I’m looking forward to when it’s second nature and everything doesn’t seem so complicated.

Thanks again for the mention when you covered Twisted. Man that was a pleasant surprise! I dig that song dude, and I really dig your version!

‘Covered tattoos’ ..Great question. I did a test run and recorded about 30 minutes of drawing. Well I’m covered in artwork right so when we sped that first take up, it was way too distracting. Tattooed arms flying everywhere took away from the drawing.

" Tattooed arms flying everywhere took away from the drawing." ooohhhhhhhh it makes sense i get it ! !!!

"Thanks again for the mention when you covered Twisted. Man that was a pleasant surprise! I dig that song dude, and I really dig your version"

it's a pleasure my friend , the rap was fascinating !

I hope this video plays fine for all of you. For some reason my iPhone is hit and miss but it’s playing fine on the desktop and an android. Enjoy ya’all, Happy Monday! Hey, if it wasn’t for Monday’s, Friday’s would suck!

I couldn’t get it to play initially but now it did and I am glad it did. Amazing work!! This turned out great.

Yes! Thanks for the update brother. And thanks for stopping back by like that, I really appreciate it.

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