DIY furniture from wooden pallets by zen-art

in #diy6 years ago
So you all probably know that I do a lot of DIY and art stuff, and if you have been following me you saw some jewelry and decoration pieces in my posts but did you know that I do furniture too?

Oh yes, yes I do. 😁

Corner benches with a small table - tutorial

This furniture is ideal for gardens and patios. If you have a cottage somewhere in nature, think about making this for yourself, it is not a big project but you do need some tools and materials. I did this with my hubby and we had a lot of fun making it. It took as one afternoon to make it and the paint was drying out for another 24 hours, so you can say that you can have a finished project in 48 hours. Just follow the steps and you will be done in no time.

List of material and tools

  • 6 wooden pallets
  • tape measure, pencil, and paper
  • circular saw
  • electric hand sander
  • paint and brushes
  • varnish
  • ACCU screwdriver
  • metal screws
  • crowbar

The first thing you have to do is draw your design on a piece of paper and measure the area your bench is going to be in. When you are done with measuring the space, move on to measuring your pallets. There is a wise saying that you should always have in mind:

"Measure twice, cut once."

Be sure that you measure twice or even more times until you are completely sure (hihihi) because once you start sawing there is no going back.

We sawed 4 pallets for the lower parts of the benches, two for each bench, and two for backrests, one for each. The size of the pieces depends on your preferences and your hight. Since this was originally placed in my store, we made it narrower than we would have if we were doing it for our backyard. Still, this furniture is today happy and nice in the friend's backyard so I guess it was not too narrow after all.

You will need your circular saw and the crowbar to de-attach the pallets. This does require some strength from your part just like it did from mine so I decided to take advantage of my hubby's muscles and let him do it.

We did the same thing for the small table except we made it out of parts that were left over after finishing the benches. It came out nicely.

Here comes my favorite part, the sandpaper one! Before, I did this manually, but since I bought myself an electric hand sander, it is easier to do and your muscles will not ache later.

Use your sandpaper, manually or using a tool, and sand down every surface. This will take some time and I think it is the longest lasting part of this project but it is all worth it in the end.

Be sure to take little breaks when you get tired and drink plenty of fluids, especially if you decide to do it in the middle of a summer day like I did 😁

I do not remember how many screws we used but I do know it is not that large number as one might suspect. You do not have to attach each board since the pallets are in large pieces. You only have to attach those large pieces to each other.

Put the three smaller pieces, that are meant to be the seating part, one on top the other and fixate them using screws. I have seen some people do this with nails but since screws are much more safer regarding the stability of the final product, I recommend them instead.

When you are done with the lower part, align the backrest with the back side of the lower part so at least one-third of the backrest is fixated to the lower part.

If your screws are too long and are coming out from the back you can just bend them to the board so they do not make any harm to a person using the bench.

And here comes the painting part. I naturally, chose green since it is my favorite color but you can paint your bench in any color you wish. Since my paint had good coverage, I only made one coating before I applied wood varnish. Varnishing is really important because your furniture will not withstand weather condition without it. Protect your wood and take care of it.

The last thing you have to do is find some nice and comfortable seat cushions and decorative pillows to make your furniture stand out. Here is the final product that I am so proud off and sure that you can make it too:

Do you like my DIY furniture made from wooden pallets? Let me know in the comments below. See you soon and until then...


thealliance_pagebreak (1).png

All images used in this post are made by me or my husband. You do not have permission to use them in any way if you do not ask me first. Thank you for your understanding.

For my philosophy of happiness posts, please find them on my steemit page and for the "Into the quantum world..." novel that I am writing exclusively for steemit click here:

made by @simgirl


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Thank you 💚💚💚

I must say again, how much I really enjoyed the post, and the formatting!

I know a lot of html and I sometimes get frustrated because I can not use it all here on steemit but I "cheat" by using markdown and images hihihi, sky is the limit 💚

you are so right there!

Great idea - environmentally friendly and very economic on the top of that. Would like to follow this example but unfortunately I have as we say over here "two left hands" for such work 😃

Good luck with those two left hands, it will be harder but it is manageable hihihi 💚

So what else you did not do? hehe.

Your love your nature hence the green color being your favourite. By the way, I am a lazy bum so I rarely DIY. Really good furniture here. Everytime you sit down on it there is a deeper connection since you are the one who made it. Hope one day I will have such experience

Thank you for sharing step by step. ;)

Yeah, I really love nature and the green color. There is a lot of truth in what you said, there is a great feeling you get when you use something that you made with your own hands. Thank you for your lovely comment 💚

Nice upcycling. I’ve wanted to make pallet furniture for awhile. It will probably remain just an idea though. I have too many interests and not enough time.

I was thinking about it for a long time before actually doing it too. Someday you will maybe get an urge, get up and do it in one afternoon, lol, that is how I started

Great post! Your post has been mentioned in my Little Kitty top posts of the day. Congratulations!!


Thank you for the mention, it is always nice to be promoted in that way 💚

I love how you showed the whole process. And the end result is gorgeous. I love green!

I love green too and it shows! Thank you for stopping by 💚

These are super!! I love seeing people reusing skids. Must feel great enjoying the outdoors on furniture you built! Nicely done.

Thank you, it is enjoyable indeed 💚

I must say, I barely recognized you in that picture. Kind of went wild with the clippers on your hair there, didn't you?


I must also say, this is going to take some getting used to -- so I better get started. (Too many krafnes, my dear. Try to control yourself for a while.)


Hihihihi, this is my secret alter ego 😁

I love this post. Not just the product, which I think is terrific, but the post itself. Very attractive.

Of course I think the furniture is wonderful too. Thanks for sharing this project with us!

And did you notice the cute "steps" that I have made? hihihi, it seemed too boring to just write step one, step two :D :D :D
Thank you for your kind words 💚

I did notice! It's one of the coolest things I've seen on Steemit!!

Awwww, you are so sweet :)

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Thank you 💚💚💚

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