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RE: How to (Failures): Repair a Hot Water Heater in a Travel Trailer

in #diy6 years ago (edited)

You could run in yourself but you're not getting paid for it? I understand that when you pay someone to do a job it's frustrating if they don't conplete it as quick as you would like it... Don't mean to be rude, but I'd definitely run it myself or move the extension cord so I wouldn't trip over it.

Sorry... how do you feel about the heater now after abfew days? Isbit still a little unfinished?


Finished yesterday. Nice to have endless hot water. Determining factor will be the gas and electric bills. Since we had no other option I can't be unhappy. Just don't like when bureaucrats dictate what you can and can't have. I believe it's all part of 5g and the IOT

Wait... beaurocrats made you change it? I'm a little lost, could you please also explain the whole 5g and IOT thing?


new building codes, you can no longer install a tank type water heater inside your home, it must be installed outdoors (unless there is not enough room between windows (which apparently our case) There has got to be a specified distance between the heater and a window.
Now the 5G and internet of things - 5g 5th generation of wifi will invade your life completely. All new appliances are going to be wifi ready and will automatically hook up to the internet. We will be monitored in everything we do. Hang on to those old appliances folks. Unless you want your washing machine to automatically order soap. The IOT patents are insane. What is happening is very frightening and no one is paying attention. Here we come 1984. They started with the smart meters and they are not going to stop.

Oh ny god... I was just telling someone we should all read 1984 again!!!

I forgot you mentioned the codes thing before. But yeah not too many people are paying attention to how our privacy is being invaded. It's pretty sad and on top of it we're mostly giving it all up voluntarily first through social media and now woth IOT. I had no idea the patents have been growing!

Crazy wolrd

Even scarier is the copyright laws the EU passed and how it will effect the United States. I posted a video earlier from Grindall61 on this subject.
I had to stop looking at the patents. I was getting too freaked out on how the 5g will basically imprison us. Besides it being able to kill us (plus the radiation)

Ah geez... it's a crazy world! All that is so scary, but what can we do, we can't all live like hermits in the mountains up high above all radio waves

Update - the plumber lied - ask the building inspector about the no tank heater indoors - he said - no that's not true. Plumber slithered out quickly and have not heard anything from him since??? Does this mean it's free?? Talk about scammers - They best not ask for payment after the nightmare and bs - they did get a down payment but still - now I am questioning the quality of the unit installed and will highly not recommend that business.

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