
Haha… “never call a lineman an electrician nor an electrician a lineman”… touché. I’ve been told it’s wireman over electrician but 🤷🏼‍♀️

You’ll have power in no time and then your man cave will be one step closer to awesome.

I consider Wireman a step above electricain. Electricians to me wire up houses. Wireman work commercial stuff and deal with much more complicated circuits and what not.
Hey some call us Lineman and some just call us Bad A$$e$ I have no control over that. 😜😜
Buahahaha jokes just jokes most of the time we are getting yelled at and cussed at because people hate us because their bill is too high. Well that is how it was in Cali anyway. Now here though, I had a lady give me some fresh baked chocolate chip cookies not too long ago. 😉

Dude that happens here, too, you just won’t be driving anything or operating any type of machinery for about 6 hours.

You must be in a better place than CA :)

Looks fine to me! I have worked up to 12.5k, but mostly lower voltages. The Church is 480 and the line pumps I used to maintain were 2300. People may not understand that a Lineman works cross country overhead lines at VERY high voltages, and does not mess with the electricity once stepped down.

When they issued me rubber gauntlets (that had to be tested every six months) with leather gloves to match, it did Not give me a warm fuzzy feeling!

As far as pretty, if it works, it is pretty; this will! No big problems there; but you already knew that ROFLOL!


That is one thing I miss, Gloving 21kv. Hearing that electric fuzzy buzzy is music to my ears. Kind of like the sound of a welder running a good smooth bead. I love that sound too. Ya I am weird 😜😜
Around here there are massive river pump stations that run 4600v and pump water into a 6 foot diameter pipe that goes out into the fields, where they water with center-pivot sprinklers. The amount of gallons per minute is insane!!!

I used the hot stick, a lot more than the gloves, ROFLOL! We had a guy on the crude oil pipeline that would leave the fuses in, and just throw the switch, and rely on the isolation panels to protect him. We had trouble with one of his boosters (lightning strike) and had to rewire the incoming lines, while they replaced the transformers. When we pulled out the wires, we found why the start caps in the switchgear never seemed to help much. It had the line feeding the motor side, and the motor on the line side. So the Isolation panels just isolated the motor, and not the switchgear! He had been working in a live box...He went outside and threw up several times! There is a reason for pulling those fuses!

Big pumps are amazing! People have no concept of what that kind of power can do! I fixed a small irrigation pump last week, in a pecan grove.


Man I’m sorry I’m late to seeing this one! Very descriptive brother @jlsplatts, even has a video, gif, whatever it’s called thing at the end. Frikkin awesome!

Eh, you mean those other kinda wire people do stuff like this?







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