DIY Sting Care

in #diy6 years ago


While coming back from our morning walk, the hubs and I stopped to stretch when he was stung by an angry wasp defending it's home!

I was a good wife and ran for our DIY sting treatment and left the phone alone! 😂

But it inspired a how-to video along with a reenactment, brilliantly done by the Yeti.

YouTube Video


SO cool I just came across this video now/today!
I just read a post this morning about which essential oils are BEST for bee stings, etc. Definitely adding this recipe to my have-on-hand- list!

LOVED the re-enactment!! EVEN the dog got involved! lol

When I was a little girl I got bit by a spider and my mom used a baking soda mixture/paste too! IT REALLY helped!

No YETI was hurt while making this film... yeah, the HURT came before- hope you're feeling better!

That's so funny that you were just researching this! I was thinking about the essential oils to add to this too! I'm so glad it works well by itself because I feel like we are going through our oils fast.

I think it also helps to extract the venom/poison. I didn't say anything about it because I didn't do any further research, but the hubs was bit by a brown recluse last year and it worked on that! Of course there was having praying involved too! Lol

Yeah, poor guy was stung a few days prior to this, but I was rocking a new sting on my hand! The day before I put my hand in the wrong place and bam! It got me!

Informational and hilarious! I love it!

Haha thank you! We had a ton of fun making it!

Oh My Goodnes! Is the wasp O.K.? 🐝....I think we should set up a gofundme campaign for the wasp. Or have a telethon. Please contact me asap with any update on the poor wasp. 🙏

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That's hilarious @steemcafe - or is that a politically incorrect statement? Will the bug union object to inconsideration of all things insect?

There's no amount of telethones that will bring that wasp back 😂 But it might not be a bad idea to set the gofundme up for all it's surviving children hahaha

Poor Yeti!! Glad you were able to help him out with the baking soda.

Me too! That wasp really got him too.

Wasp?! That's so painful. Never tried the baking soda but I love essential oils. Sting or small cut I always go for Lavender.

I bet lavender would be super helpful!

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We use this effective remedy since I was a little girl. Just be sure if it is another type of bee to remove the stinger that is left behind! Loved the re-enactment. Sorry, the yeti had to experience this. They are nasty,

Yes, it is important to make sure the stinger is out! I hope he doesn't have anymore run-ins this season.

Seems like you need a run in with some critter every summer! My dog had one with a skunk not too long ago. I thought they couldn't get into the compound...

Oh no! Our dogs also ran into a skunk, but they were only lightly sprayed....praise would have been awful!

It was awful. He got it full on the face and chest! We were able to get most of it but even now, months later, when it rains we can get a faint whiff...

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