Truth - facts - opinions - reality - can we have everything publicly on the blockchain?

in #divorce7 years ago

This is what I wrote, in the letter to the Medical Centre:

Please note that just before the admission to the mental hospital I had gastric flu - for a week I was staying at home and it affected my overall health and wellbeing. In other words - even though gastric flu is not “mental health issue” it was a precursor to my hospital admission - please include that in the paperwork that will be sent to the court.

This is what was put in the letter:

Mr Stefanow has asked me to include in this letter that he states he had gastric flu just prior to his admission to the psychiatric hospital.

I would like to address the following:

  1. I've asked the organisation, not "him" or "her"
  2. It's not "me states", the gastric flu business is evidenced in the NHS (national health service) system

(I'm worried that the statement reads as if I was me making up the situation and then bribing a doctor to put some detail in the report)

From the position statement to the court:

Circumstances that lead to hospital admission:

• lack of sleep
• stress at home
• stress at work - bank loan to get a car and drive to pointless work coworker invading personal space triggering an emotional response
• cannabis use
• highly caffeinated drink (mate)
• fast internet at the festival (brain operating at much higher frequency)
• recent disease, still not fully restored energy levels

All in all - perfect storm of multiple factors.

I was in a hospital without any illness, now I'm getting ready to go into prison without committing any crime:

Court to avoid sending Mr Stefanow for prison and dismiss the case “contempt of the court” (first divorce on the blockchain)

Damage has been done and I want clear this matter, rather than have “pending prosecution” forever.

If prison time is unavoidable, then please allow 2 hours of “email maintenance” once a week to ensure various online businesses are still up and running.

I really wish we could agree on various issues related to the divorce. The total bullshit legal fiction system is an energetic black hole and I'm seriously considering not showing up but sending a lawyer.

Blog about potential travel plans - it's more personal, not only divorce related.

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