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RE: More numbers on improved distribution

in #distribution4 years ago

These numbers are really interesting. I am not concerned with the dropoff of earning accounts so much as I think those who are here now are likely the core that was always needed earlier. The next bullrun is going to be intersting to be a part of on Steem.

and lol at the 1 Steem transfer first. :D

I wonder when all that Inc stake starts to become active - and who will control it when it does.


I guess as the pool is worth more, more accounts can share and feel like they are getting somewhere.

I appreciated the 1 STEEM transfer, better to be safe than sorry eh @ned :D

And yeah, if the rumors are true and there is stake for sale in chunks, could be very interesting.

I am glad @ned did it, shows that even he fears losing control of stake. I don't think I would be able to move that amount in one transfer anyway.

Pity it didn't go to misterengagement accidentally :D

Good to see he's still got a chunk.

Pity it didn't go to misterengagement accidentally

Now that would have been interesting!


There could be a massive vote coming!!!

I'll not hold my breath :D

Any day now...

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