Distribution analysis - conferming STEEM <= 1 cent for Steem to go mainstream.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #distribution8 years ago (edited)

In other words: Whales need to sell and the price of Steem will have to get much lower, way under Steem = 1 cent.

Don't get me wrong, I would like to see steem at a higher price, this is just my realistic thinking telling me that we need to see a lower price first, before steem will go high. Here is why I think this:

Distribution table


Distribution graph


Source: https://steemd.com/distribution

Distribution analysis

Since the distribution table is made of categories in a logarithmic scale, then for the distribution to be logarithmic, the graph of "stake" need to be linear. Since the graph of "stake" show a clear upward exponential trend, the wealth of Steem is extremely centered at the top of the "pyramid", much more extreme then in the fiat money system. Its like the wealth of Steem is distributed in the 2th poteens, compared to the wealth in the fiat money system.

Maybe Tone Vays are partly right in his critic of Steem. I am not saying that he is 100% right. I think that the distribution of steem can change over time, on the other hand, I believe that Steem will NOT go mainstream until the distribution is more natural.

Conclusion: Steem is a VERY extreme pyramid and for this to change, then steem need to change hands, from the few to the many. This can only be done with the whales selling a lot of their steem on the market, meaning that the price of Steem will go down to much lower levels (under 1 cent).




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