Dark Disney and MK Ultra Part 2

in #disney6 years ago

The Disney company has a very hidden and complex past that I think every American needs to know about. Our entire culture has been corrupted from the inside out and while we were all lulled into a hypnotic trance state, the military industrial complex has hijacked our country and sold us down the river.
Marc Eliot's unauthorized biography
Walt Disney- Hollywood's Dark Prince paints a very different picture of the American film icon than the impression that most Americans have about him.
In his youth, Walt was a member of the DeMolay Society which is a boy's civic group that is sponsored by the Freemasons and used to groom them to become speculative Masons when they reach the age of admission.

Walt had the privilege of being in the FIRST chapter of DeMolay which was founded in 1920 in Kansas City, Missouri.
Disney also set up a separate company that he kept as a private holding company for his family that went through several changes before being named "Retlaw," which is Walter backwards. This is another thing that occult elitists like to do, they reverse things to negate them. It's popular with satanists, they reverse everything.
It's the backwards and upside down world that we have found ourselves living in.
Oprah named her company "Harpo" which is another example of the backwards-ness that has taken over people's minds.
In part one 1, I touched a little bit on Disney's obscession with Witchcraft and the dark arts and this is prevalent in many of his filmsdownloadfile-200.jpg
There is also heavy owl symbolism in nearly every animated film that has been done by this company. The owl is common in mythology, allegedly representing wisdom and the the pagan goddess Minerva.
The ancient Canaanites also had a deity they worshipped called Molech or Moloch, it's all the same thing, reallythe_many_owls_of_disney__updated__by_clang55-d4qfk6j.jpg
They would offer up children as sacrifices to their dark deity in ancient times and nothing has changed since then. There is still rampant pedophilia, child murder, and I don't even want to discuss what else! They are wanting to bring this out into the open, like we are just supposed to be ok with it...
Even seen this image before?groveowl.jpg

This is a statue of the giant stone owl in Bohemian Grove,California, where every year in July for 2 weeks, whackjobs from BOTH parties get together for some ritual and perversion. There is no left vs right, that is all stage magic. It's just an illusion to keep us divided because that's how they impose their rule.
Source for image art is in the link below, MEAR ONE

It's a class structure folks, if you are useful to their one world agenda and are from a family of "wealth" and "influence," you'll get an an invitation. Simple as that, it doesn't matter whether that man has the appearance of being from the "left" or the "right" given to him by the corporate controlled media. They want to give off the illusion that we have a two-party system but behind the scenes it's the same puppet masters pulling the strings. The bankers and corporate CEOs are running the show...

There is a projected dualism within the elites as well, it's either Nazi-ism or communism, doesn't matter who is in office, it's all fascism. The isms are just two sides of the same coin and two wings of the same bird. Their goal is to create a perpetual vibration of fear and confusion ![be8dbd6240f9ece481a009cffce689d0.jpg]() This artwork is by Andriod Jones and you can find this conscious creator on Pinterest!

The United States was set up by bloodline for bloodline! We may be the majority but ultimately the oligarchs made up the system and run it through the corporations
And it's not just politicians that go there either, it's corporate CEOs and other prominent figures in this sick "society." Power never leaves the Posterity, folks! Stop giving them your energy by volting at their terminals (polls/poles)! As long as in-DIVID-uals (internally divided) keep giving them their power, we're going to keep marching towards their vision of what reality is...
In this list you'll find politicians(actors), CEOs, actors, heads of state(actors), "royalty"(actors) and many more...
It's a fascist system and these people set it up that way with all their fictional constructs. The fasces was a symbol of Imperial Rome and is pictured as an axe head protruding from a bundled cylindrical seal of wooden rods. It is symbolized thus...
One wealthy man can accomplish alot by himself as his resources can afford him the means to do so. When rich men work together in secret behind closed doors and present the public with a facade that they are opposed to each other, (like being a this or a that) they are soon able to impose a system of total control!
Self ownership and taking responsibility for your own actions will slow them down more than anything.
Please check out @larkenrose video "The Jones Plantation"

Corporatism/National Socialism/Communism/Marxism/Progressivism/Liberalism are all just different stenches of the same turd...fas2.jpgfascism.jpg
Take care of yourself, your family, and those surrounding you. We can all reprogram ourselves and our offspring from the garbage that the oligarchs are trying to push down our throats.
This is what they are doing to our offspring...


What do you think they are doing in secrecy?
Duality as a weapon against the people...thesis vs antithesis= synthesis
By pitting capitalism and communism against each other, they are able to synthesize and bring in their agenda. This is just my theory and personal perspective from studying this subject for many years. I've read hundreds of books and eventually hope to compile a bibliography.

The principal of gender is one of the most important Hermetic principles and in God's Creation of Nature, everything is duality and comprised of masculine and feminine elements, positive and negative, light and dark, etc.
What we are seeing is the attempt to merge the two together by destroying the Sacred Feminine and forever enclosing this realm in darkness. This is displayed by the single obelisk at certain key points on the Earth's energy grid:City of London, Paris, Rome/Vatican City, Washington DC.
The manipulation of energy is what is giving these men power. In their quest to conquer the world, the Earth's energetic balance has shifted too far into the negative.
What we have to do is bring the polarity back to the center, the pendulum has to swing both ways and we are getting ready to have a major shift soon.
They are trying to short circuit Nature by pushing these issues such as the transgender agenda and blurring the lines of fee-mail/mail so that nobody knows what they were made as.
I'm not for or against transgender, if that's what someone wants to do with their life, that's their free will.
I'm just highlighting why it is a talking point these days because trans only make up a very small percentage of the population.
The social engineers know how to trigger emotion and can manipulate the principle of cause and effect.

In conclusion to this post, I want to make a few final points. In order to have any semblance of Harmony in our world and be at peace internally, we must have balance in our own being and mind. This means that the left and right hemispheres of our brains must be in balance. Our mental and spiritual parts must be balanced to make a whole. The mental and physical must be balanced. We can't dwell solely on physical pleasures and neglect our mental and spiritual growth. Once we can heal the divisions in ourselves, the world will begin to reflect that. It is only the mirror world and the reverse of who we are and what we've become. The young people today are consuming nothing but Hollywood illuminist garbage, porn, decadent "music", violence, video games, technology, and sporting events where it's all about winning this or that. They need to be asking questions about how the world really works.
My second point is everything has metonomy in language, symbolism, and things in life. Everything has two or more meanings, one is the common meaning or reason but there is also always a hidden reason or occult meaning to something. This is one of the most important keys to knowledge and the gateway to understanding the world around us. It begins with language and words and it took me a long time to find my words and start asking questions.
I learn more by failing and asking the right questions than anything else. That's why I keep going and doing what I do, I know one day my tribe will find me and we will thrive together. My next post will be about the duality of the suns. We have been told that there is only one but in this dualistic-polar universe, there must be another.
Until then,

I hope you all have a wonderful and prosperous day!


This post was very well written, organized and thought out. Thank you for writing your perspective on the occult and the elitists that appear to be running this country into the ground.

Thank you for taking your time to read my article and respond. Alot of what I write about focuses on how they use hidden occult knowledge to manipulate, divide, and control people. The quicker this becomes common knowledge, the quicker we can take back our country. Here's the link to part 1 if you're interested

Thank you. Don’t mind If I do. @richq11 has several articles posted regarding politics that you might like. He does not write them from the same kind of perspective, but he does make it clear where he stands. Thankss again.

Agreed! I follow @richq11 and have read/upvoted quite a few of his posts. I firmly believe we have a good community of truthers here on this platform that are actively working on creating a better world. We just need the continued support and sharing of the truth to wake as many up as we can.

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