Dark Disney and MK Ultra Pt 1

in #disney6 years ago (edited)

Every child in America knows the name 'Walt Disney' and can more than likely recite lines from their favorite Disney movie or sing along with whatever catchy tune from the same movies.

I grew up in the 70's and 80's when more and more families were buying VHS cassette tapes, more commonly called a "VCR", which brought the Hollywood big screen right into our homes.
And thus began a new phase by the social engineers.

You may be thinking, "Hey, there's nothing wrong with Disney stuff! Every family in America knows Disney is good, quality, wholesome entertainment, right?
I mean, every famous athlete that wins a World Series or Superbowl wants to go to Disneyland or Walt Disney World right afterwards, so it must be a cool place, huh?
Disney has brainwashed and lulled the minds to sleep of tens, if not hundreds of millions of Americans. I'd say probably 70% to 80% of our population is under the spell of mass hypnosis. These are the same people that watch the evening news, the "newspapers", troll the internet and social media and attack anyone's opinion that doesn't coincide with their own viewpoint.

Raising our children on Disney movies has done much of the societal programming for them. We've been raised in a false paradigm of princesses and heros where every little girl is told that she's going to be a princess when she grows up and "be rescued" by a prince or hero.
All the boys in Disney movies are either conditioned to be a prince or a warrior.downloadfile-149.jpg

Take a walk through the toy section of your local Walmart and check out how everything is structured and marketed. The boys section is all blue which is a passive color and effects the right brain and the majority of the toys are action figures: Star Wars, Transformers, WWE and UFC minis, Ninja turtles, G.I. Joe's, and stuff like that. Everywhere you look, there is a BLUE vs RED division within the toys and games themselves.
That reinforces my thesis that the depth of MK Ultra programming is so deep that it begins in childhood.downloadfile-112.jpg
This is indiscernible to a person that is uninitiated or under the programming themselves.downloadfile-96.jpgdownloadfile-104.jpg

I found it Disney cartoons as well as other companies such as Hasbro are very heavily saturated with occult programming and hidden messages as well. Whether or not this is done intentionally, is irrelevant and not open for debate. The fact is, the signs, symbols, and messages are there, and they are picked up by the subconscious of children and adults alike.
When Disney's The Little Mermaid was released on VHS, the clamshell VHS box had a golden phallus cleverly hidden in the artwork. It was later retracted when it was brought to the company's attention and where sugar coated by claiming that it was "just a joke" done by one of the illustrators. That seems like a terribly lame excuse to me, and since then, sexual imagery has been discovered in many Disney films and artwork. I'm willing to chalk up one instance as being a joke but when it happens over and over again... That becomes an agenda and can no longer be dismissed as a harmless coincidence.
I can show you at least five or six other instances where Disney has placed sexual imagery into their films and cartoons.
I've had people argue with me and tell me that's not what I'm seeing, and that "only a perverted mind would dream up such nonsense."
This is exactly how cognitive this is exactly how cognitive dissonance works, folks! People will deny information that conflicts with their opinions, beLIEfs, or worldview. Sometimes they even act vehemently by attacking the messenger or person that is presenting the information. I see this every single day EVERYWHERE that I observe encounters between individuals who hurl insults at each other over the internet. In the words of Wayne Bush, "It's all about duality down here."

In my previous state of ignorance and darkness I was guilty of this myself but studying the Hermitic Arts, you learn the Alchemy of the Soul and how to transmute your own lead to gold.
But I digress, back to Disney...downloadfile-99.jpg
I equate arising was being brought from darkness to light and seeing the world through a new set of spiritual eyes. A spirit that had spent it's first 30 years of this present incarnation falling down Alice's rabbit hole. Instead of hitting bottom somewhere, I find myself floating above this abyss where everything hangs in a precarious balance that has drifted far into the negative.
Finding out that we have been lied to about nearly everything is an earth shaking experience and for the rest of my time here, I will question the existence of everything I come in contact with.downloadfile-79.jpg
Why would a nude woman be in a children's film like "The Rescuers?"
Why are Disney films so obscessed with black magick, sorcery, witchcraft, evil witches, etc?
Hollywood, Walt Disney, MSM, MK Ultra, and just about all of the entertainment industry are all intertwined. Many of the heavily publicized "tragedies" that have happened since 9/11 have been staged.downloadfile-32.jpgdownloadfile-22.jpg
Notice any resemblance between the character from Ratatouille and the Sandy Hook "shooter" Adam Lanza? Tagline for the movie says:
"He's dying to become a chef."

I also want to point out a few overlaps with the "victims" of these incidents, the "perpetrators," and the scenarios involved...
The hypothesis I came up with is that certain people who were working on these projects snuck in little flashes of images in hopes of warning us about what was/is going on...

This is James Egan Holmes who attacked an Aurora, Colorado theater during the premier of "The Dark Knight Rises."
Lol...his "attorney" also had a role in Sandy Hook.
And wouldn't ya know? Sandy Hook was also in the same Batman movie and took place later that same year in 2012abf9ed953650aab46f64775281ef7eb1.jpg


In part 2, I will throw out a few more connections to show how we've all been duped.
Take care of yourself and your families-


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