So what's up with Disney's Club Penguin?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #disney7 years ago


I'll let archive magic do it's thing, but here's some screenshots for those who don't want to click links.

Club Penguin was run by the Disney Company; it's now defunct in favor of Club Penguin Island.

When one searches for Club Penguin, a sister site of sorts appears as the second entry.

clubpen search.png

When one visits ClubPenguinCP, one used to be greeted by this cheery, kid-friendly interface:
clubpen old.png

Please note the footer:

clubpen oldfooter.png
Here's what I found about Chrisdogs93 : Waaaay into Club Penguin, has a Youtube channel of Club Penguin vids, and not much of a webpresence apart from Club Penguin.

Now, when one visits that site, this pops up:


Curious as to why porn and incest is available on a service sharing a name with a Disney enterprise, with the next paragraph addressing children. That's hardly reassuring for parents; given how it shares a name (closely, at that) with a Disney enterprise should have had that site on Disney's sue-happy radar. Surely they wouldn't want their family-friendly image tainted by incest and porn being coopted by someone cashing in on the Club Penguin service which was designed for children.

@Duhiki wrote a great letter to Disney's licensing department. and I can't help but notice that the subversive nature the current manifestation of clubpenguincp shares with Elsagate in that seemingly innocent things associated with Disney are also associated with porn.

Also noted is that while Disney is fiercely protective of their intellectual property, they seem to give a blind eye to both Elsagate and this porn-pushing Club Penguin knock-off, which is really really odd, don't you think?


Well, well, well....this is very interesting my friend!

Did you know that Disney Club Penguin is a major donor to the NCMEC!!

They Donate between $250,000-400,000 to the NCMEC.

Check my post from 6 months ago on the NCMEC /ICMEC and you'll find pedo symbols in the screen shots from the Disney Penguin Club official site.

Thanks for reporting, I hadn't come across this yet. Now all we have to do is remove the chemically-induced apathy cloud from all of the parents who suspiciously still don't care to acknowledge this information.

Does anyone have a right to guilt-free ignorance, when their ignorance perpetuates behaviors that fund and enable crimes against humanity? I personally don't believe so. Nor do I believe one can legislate or enforce morality. But at very least, I think we should shun people who make statements like, "I'd just rather focus on happy things" (goes through McDonald's drive-through, following taking family to latest Disney film).

Confirm their right to freedom of choice, but don't free them from the associated guilt of that choice, because they are the problem. While all of the Missing and Exploited Children are out there wondering why the tax-cattle funding their terror don't love them more than a cheap cheeseburger.

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