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RE: Another Day, Another Post - How I'm Handling The Current Price

in #discussion6 years ago

So, much in here to agree with. They need to quit whining, buckle down and build their accounts. It is a speculation market. If you need .02 cents to live on recycle cans or something. We are all hoping our .02 turns into more.

Also, I to have spent a lot of time and votes on some minnows who are no longer here. Now, I feel it is a better move to empower them to help each other while we retain those who have put in the time and effort and HELD their stake. :)


I'm one of the minnows about to die. I hold out hope, but this is fading. I've been here one year and the biggest mistake I made was not reaching out to bigger accounts from the start. I thought a large circle of minnows would make up for that, but I was wrong. I have auto-voters who support me, I'm in qurator and sbi. I spread my votes as best I can - etc.

I have two friends that came in at the same time as me and both of them went for the big accounts tirelessly while I wrote posts about minnow tips, weight loss and art. They are both now near 5000 sp, and I cannot pay my rent. One of them told me early that no one under 10K sp was worth his time here. I think he is smarter than me.

I brought in about 20 content creators in various genres this year with the promise of good visibility for their work and payouts. All are gone now except my son @bxlphabet. When I die soon, he will too. He has been posting consistently and working on steemmonsters in discord and loves it. But this will come to an end.

I just passed my year here a week ago. It has been a very interesting year. But I dropped most of the other balls on my weight loss work and now am paying that price.

The reason a lot of content creating minnows do not fit in here is that we are not about building a stake in the future of a platform. Authors, artists, and coaches are on many platforms. We do not invest in them. We earn our daily bread from them. We are about keeping many balls in the air and trying to survive.

And this is what is says when you sigh up for steemit:
get paid for your good content.PNG
Nothing about the need to build up a stake. One of my content-creating friends sent me this snip when she left in November. She thought I was stupid to keep trying in such a difficult place. Not even the good price at the first of the year made her want to come back.

I think you have a good idea about building a middle class here. But the flood of people has to come from somewhere. One on my other friends who left said, "None of my moron fb friends could ever learn how to post here. They may be morons, but they are my morons, so I am going back over there."

And before you say he does not make money on fb - yes he does. Like me, he has affiliate links, books and coaching there and does pretty well with it. I wish I could say the same, but I have neglected everything else for steemit to my detriment.

As for the current price? It's killing me.

So many people trying to earn in crypto are having a terrible time. The wild year is bound to have a difficult impact on nearly anyone who's primary source of income is crypto.

I also know some people who have been able to monetize their Facebook accounts through writing about products and services.

I had a decent chicken blog going on Facebook myself. However, it just wasn't a subject that was going to gain a lot of followers here. :)

I hope you can hold on, and if you need to find another income source, try to keep your blog alive by posting once in a while.

I don't know when or even if, but I do believe the markets will boom again.

Good wishes to you and your son

Chickens! I'm in a Thai neighborhood in Bangkok and chickens are everywhere. I have many posts about them, since this is such an interesting sight to me.

Thank you so much for your good wishes. I am trying to hold on and stay positive and comments like yours help me a lot.

It's simple. Your content is not interesting enough for majority of people. You need to speak in more interesting ways and about topics that actually are exciting. I almost felt asleep checking your page out.

Are you are traveler or do you need to lose weight?

Food, health, and travel are what I mostly post about. Since 40% of Americans are obese and 40% are overweight, I do think my topics are interesting enough for the majority of people, but I see you do not agree.

Please do me the favor to comment further so that I can improve.

Write about other topics too, something exciting.

What would be your top ideas for exciting topics? Consider that I am a 58 year old, female, weight loss coach, living in SE Asia.

I don't understand why your gender and age has any relevance. Now we are making everything digital.

Well, for example, I am not going to post about extreme sports.

Well, for example,
I am not going to post
About extreme sports.

                 - fitinfun

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