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in #discussion7 years ago

I was an over-spender for many years, I always failed at saving. Finally I decided to save 10 dollars a week. It was such a small amount, I wouldn't think about it. When that account reached a hundred dollars or so, I created an investment account and pretty soon watching the account grow was as fun as spending it. It changed all of my financial habits.

Thanks for using the discussion tag.


(offers @whatsup a drink)

I hear you on that! We pretty much ALL start out over-spending at first. I remember my father giving me $20.00 a week allowance as a child. And every week I spent that on toys and games at Toys R Us which is filing bankruptcies ATM. (guess I didn't spend enough) ;)

After 3 years I finally realized (doh) that I had collected every G.I. Joe figure that Mattel had made and began to stare at my collection piled in my room which then the light bulb went on, so I began to sell them and give them away to my friends knowingly I was no longer interested in toys like Transformers, Voltron, Robotech, and such...

As I got older I used that money and bought Nintendo video games, RC Cars, skateboards, and fashionable clothing which still ended up spending even more money and still NO savings.

It wasn't until my Father made a deal with me that he would DOUBLE my money that I could save after a year!

Guess what?

I didn't spend hardly anything that year and my father NO longer honored that DEAL for next year...

Well, ever since then I pretty much was saving a dollar a day (cash and coins) in a piggy bank and continued through out my daily life. ($365 a year savings) This was far more manageable as lad and adult which allowed me to measure and replinsh if I borrowed or took from my savings.

Looks like you can make a hundred dollar stretch as far as I can.

Thanks for chiming in and NOT getting lost on your way to the "Bitcoin store".

It's my pleasure @whatsup


Your father is/was a wise man! What a great story. I am happy he got you on the right path.
I think SteemIt is also a great way for people to painlessly put away some money. I think "spenders" don't realize how nice it feels to watch a nest egg grow.

Cheers, I've followed you.

(clinks glass)

He was wise, and now just like most generations will continue to pass down our knowledge/wisdom/resources for the future!



P.S. Steemit is painless accumulating, saving, making, as well as spending...Just have to find a balance/measurement to FOLLOW since NUMBERS & MONEY tend to distort our rationale most of the time.

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