Let's Talk About Front-Ends - Tell me about your favorite Steem Projects

in #discussion6 years ago

I like to try out the various front end projects on Steem when they launch, but I've gotten used to our simple little interface and I tend to gravitate back to it unless I am doing a meme or something.

A couple of days ago when I did my Steem Tips post a lot of people suggested knowing all the various frontends and I realized that is good advice I should probably take.  

So, today I invite you to pitch your favorite front-ends, I feel like I should start supporting a development team that is building on Steem.

In the comment section tell me about your favorite Steem Projects that I should check out!

What front-ends are you using?  What do you like about them?  Do you pay or earn using them?  

I'm really looking forward to the suggestions.



I like Steempeak.com simply because it's a group of guys who are listening to their user base and swiftly implementing positive changes at a fast pace.

Very well laid out interface. Still needs some work and functionality but they are my number one for sure.


Joining in on the chorus of people naming Steampeak, it's definitely my favorite so far. I did a review on dlive not too long ago.

I like it, just checked it out

I'll check some of these out, but every time I have so have so far I've thought they all look a mess and I come straight back to Steemit!

I'm not using Steemit on a phone and this sort of thing is not my gig...

What I want is like it is now but in full widescreen with no crap down the sides

steempeak does have 2 different views one is crazy busy
and the other more simple.
Yeah, I guess that is why I come back to steemit, it's basic, but it works.

Hello @whatsup I am learning of many things that I did not know about steemit, reading these comments. Besides appreciating your interest in supporting others, that seems great to me and speaks very well of you. Good energy, in your projects and that you find the ideal. Meanwhile, on Wednesday, I invite you to release good energy for the creation and production of good ideas, through music. You are always welcome.
Good vibes.

Hola @whasup estoy aprendiendo de muchas cosas que no sabia sobre steemit, leyendo estos comentarios. Además de apreciar tu interés de apoyar a otros, eso me parece genial y habla mu bien de ti. Buena energía, en tus proyectos y que encuentres el ideal. Mientras tanto, los miércoles te invito a liberar buena energía para la creación y producción de buenas ideas, por medio de la música. Eres bienvenido siempre. Buena vibra.

I loved listening to your Karaoke night. I let my phone go dead and my husband got home from work, but it was great fun and I will stop in next week! :)

Great, we are waiting for you at the karaoke party, with pleasure. To move the energy in positive, through music.

Hi @whatsup :) I generally stick to steemit, but lately I've been using esteem to post and there's usually a nice upvote that comes with it. It's very user friendly too, but what I like best is that I can schedule a time for it to publish my post; often I'm up in the middle of the night but am not to interested in posting at that time ;)

I'm not sure if this is also what you're looking for, but I also use Fast Reply and there's no wait time in between commenting/upvoting. When I'm behind on my comments, I'm so surprised at the time I save using this. Here's a post I wrote some time ago explaining more :)

Good idea for a post too! I learned quite a bit reading through the comments. Thanks :)

I like the esteem app for posting as it offers more options in terms of editing and the photo upload is friendlier. I also like the customisation of the feed page, however for comments and replying steemit is still my go to as the comment box of esteem doesn't disappear when you post resulting in me double posting comments.

Steempeak.com is fantastic.
I also frequent steemmonsters.com and steemworld.org
So many excellent tools.

Yeah, steemmonster is good.

I'm using steemit.com and sometimes busy.org. I think https://steempeak.com is also great.

To be honest I always come back to steemit.com to write all of my articles. I have used busy.org and steempeak, but I too should spend more time on them. With the little time I have spent on those front ends I like steempeak the best because it just suits my eye visually and has a lot of great features as well.

I just checked it out again and it is beautiful and nice! I thought it had a place for mentions but I can't find it.

Despite reservations, I like @Dlike .io now. If you see it more as an aggregator than a tool for spamming crap, its a great DApp. They are screaming out for SMTs though so they can use their own tokens, and their rewards system is in place.
For mobile, @partiko is simple, clean, fast and works beautifully and our blockchain version of quora, @musing .io gives out great upvotes to quality questions and answers and is begging for some high calibre question setters and answerers!
Steampeak and Busy are great interfaces for desktop and I love the post scheduling options and the tools and customisations and if you want even more info, add steemtools as a chrome extension and your life will forever be full of more info than is healthy.
I love @letseat for restaurant reviews, and @steemitworldmap is a great resource.
We have some brilliant tools and DApps now to make this blockchain a real social media experience.
Lets at least give these hardworking devs a big up for producing these great tools :-)

Any chance we can talk about rear ends next time? I'm rather the expert ;-)

haha... True lol. :)

SMT testing from Jan, then launch in March.

I made a try on steempeak too (lot of feature, man), but for me looks a little strange yet.
I use the default steemit dot com platform right now.

The steemhunt is pretty good, i like the two-panel design.

And dlive. This is almost like the oldschool, original youtube. No flipflap, just the function :)

Yep. Good Apps

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