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RE: If the Moon Landing

in #discussion6 years ago

Thanks for the link to the logic site. Love it.

There are some known Ham radio operators who attest to having picked up signals from Apollo (Paul Wilson, Richard Knadle, Larry Baysinger, Sven Grahn), but none of them can attest to having tracked these probes either to the moon or back. Neither do NASA.

Grahn for example only testifies to having picked up signals from Apollo 17 when it was in earth orbit. Baysinger only received communications from Apollo 11 during the alleged moonwalk. Wilson & Knadle received signals from a diversity of Apollo missions, but again only when the crafts were in alleged lunar orbit – an exception being Apollo 15 in which they received a handful of signals on the alleged flight home, though these were automated transmissions, no human voices were recorded.

However, as early as 1946 the U.S Navy had already set up Earth-Moon-Earth (EME) transmissions using the moon as a radio wave, reflecting satellite. Presumably this would have been an essential part of any attempted hoax. Of course Baysinger believed he was receiving transmission from the moon, as did everyone else (with a few notable exception.) Though logically this could also have been continuation of Operation Moon Bounce (or similar). So his evidence, though seemingly compelling, doesn't 'prove' anything and the alleged moonwalk remains highly questionable. I have highlighted some of the reasons I personally don't believe it.

I note that you haven't commented on NASA's released footage of the Apollo 11 astronauts faking images of a distant Earth, while clearly in low Earth orbit, on 18th - 20th July 1969 when Apollo 11 should have been between 140 - 200,000 miles from Earth. You will note the non existent transmission lag in their communications. There's no lag, because they were in low Earth orbit.

So, in regard to your claims about Baysinger's recordings, your logical fallacy for the day is False Cause.

You are confused, believing that correlation implies causation.


You are confused, believing that correlation implies causation.
Please explain that part.

False Cause

Many people confuse correlation (things happening together or in sequence) for causation (that one thing actually causes the other to happen). Sometimes correlation is coincidental, or it may be attributable to a common cause.

So, if I've understood you correctly, you are suggesting that Baysinger's recording of Moonwalk transmissions 'proves' the transmission originated on the Moon. However, this is an assumption based upon the correlation of two contemporaneous events.

  • Baysinger points his antenna towards the Moon.

  • Baysinger detects a signal.

Baysinger, and your good self, then assume that reception is caused by a transmission from the Moon. Yet Operation Moon Bounce demonstrates that this causal relationship is not 'proven.' The common cause could lie elsewhere. Therefore it is reasonable to suggest your logical fallacy of False Cause in this instance.

Really enjoying this debate and would like to know your thoughts on the NASA footage filmed on the 18th.

I have responded to your questions. Quid pro quo?

that's the strangest explanation of correlation I've ever heard.
what film?

Really? I thought it meant "mutual relation of two or more things."

The NASA footage is shown at 32.03 of Bart Sibrel's film HERE. I did post it earlier in the thread but you must have missed it.

It shows the Apollo 11 astronauts, in low Earth orbit (when they should have been 200,000 miles away,) faking 'distant images' of the Earth. The time stamp appears genuine (same as all other NASA timestamps of the time) and the process by which they faked 'distant' Earth images seems to be simply the use of a cardboard cut out obscuring the real dimensions of the Earth out of the low Earth Orbit Apollo 11 window.

I am interested to know your thoughts on this footage.

what are my thoughts?
I'm underwhelmed.
two things come immediately to mind.

  1. telescopic lens
  2. Phases of the moon

ok....I lied..make that three

that was somewhat entertaining(not)

glad you told me how far to skip ahead...those bible verses at the start would have prevented me from watching the whole thing.

you guys claim that NASA lied.
what's to stop me from thinking that YOU lie?
how can I tell from this HIGHLY edited video what was the authentic footage and what was not? It'd be pretty easy to insert imagines (and sound) that portrayed anything that you want it too.

even easier NOW...deepfake is so easy.

Yes I share your aversion to the God bothery. Also I agree that it is possible the Apollo crews could have made it through (or rather past) the Van Allen belts. I also agree with you when you say:

"how can I tell from this HIGHLY edited video what was the authentic footage and what was not? It'd be pretty easy to insert imagines (and sound) that portrayed anything that you want it too."

Yet that is precisely what everyone who believes in the Apollo moon landings has done.

Have enjoyed the debate but time to move on I guess. Personally I find the evidence overwhelming and convincing that the Apollo story is a nonsense but I also respect the opposite view.

Take it easy.

see ya...stop back by when you can stay longer

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