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RE: Becoming Great or Becoming you? Harder Then it Looks - Lets Talk About it #discussion

in #discussion7 years ago

Being a member of the 'Truth Movement' I constantly face animosity and hatred from those that do not understand my beliefs or my fight for Truth.

Many people are so compassionate about their ideals that even if they are shown that their ideals may be based on lies or disinformation they will stick to them.

Dealing with anger management issues my entire life it can be a struggle to maintain my composure at times and have lost my temper on occasions when trying to justify my logic.

For me September 11th 2001 was a Big Eye opener to how easily people can be convinced of lies and how easily manipulated their perceptions of reality can be.


gotta be learners yo - thanks for commenting

Right. Always remember, some cannot handle the truth, some don't even deserve the truth however there are some, maybe not easy to find who will actually connect with you.. It is our question to ourselves which types we seek.

Also have to add it is called 'cognitive dissonance' and normalcy bias. Not sure where the seemingly excess of anger and agitation come from though. Most people never get that mad when the news tells them things.

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