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RE: Reduce Your Self Upvotes and Receive more Upvotes

in #discussion7 years ago

i don't really care if people up vote their own blogs but when they up vote their own comment it bothers me UNLESS they do it because they received an unwarranted down vote on it. for example @thediyworld automatically down votes my comments irregardless of where he finds them or what the comment is about. so when he does that to me i counter it by up voting my comment he down voted.

on the other hand what i feel is not how things should be is when someone creates several FREE accounts and uses them to only up vote their own multiple accounts. again for example @thediyworld he has 4+ free accounts so far and uses them to up vote each other and then down vote everyone else.

there is definitely a real abuse of voting and flagging going on.

I tend to up vote as many comments from other people that i can who reply to my blogs and comments.


I am not talking about people that upvote themselfs from other accounts that they own, I meant the same account, but I still don't understand why people don't like when someone upvote himself, it's his account, it's his steem power, it's his choice to do what he want, especially if steemit team made that option so why we can't use it !

upvote your own blog is fine with me. its abuse of downvotes i dont like.

Yeah, I have seen that from him towards you. Never understood his thinking; just a personal vendetta I suppose.

he has tried for years to destroy my youtube channels and profit off the drama he builds because of it.

ahh, got it. I steer clear of drama.. and him for quite some time. I don't have time nor patience for things of that nature in my hectic life

lol nobody does ;)

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