“Your five-day-old embryo and their five-day-old embryo

in #discussion6 years ago

could have a child using the same IVG process,
“Then that child could have a child with another five-day-old embryo from another genetic line, and you could go on and on .

  • Gene-editing technologies such as Crispr-Cas9 would make it relatively easy to repair, add, or remove genes during the IVG process, eliminating diseases or conferring advantages that would ripple through a child’s genome.

  • at its inception 40 years ago IVF also sparked fear, confusion, and resistance—and now it’s as normal and common as could be, with millions of healthy babies conceived using the technology.


All I can say is better not make any mistakes! This is a gateway into Hell. No way to be sure what you end up with, too big a chance for an Oopps.


why do you say it's a gateway to hell?
what's the problem with eliminating genetic diseases. My wife died from one. I'm all for it.

As long as they understand the genome 100%; and make ZERO errors; if done at conception, it could help some. My concern is that if they are not 100% accurate, or if their knowledge is off one tiny bit ; we will end up with a non-viable monster.

I just think we are not yet up enough on our knowledge base to safely attempt this approach!


wouldn't non viable be a good thing in a monster?
so tell me...how come you don't hold nature to the same 100% perfection rule?
shirely you've heard of birth defects...auto-immune diseases and democrats?

The parents of that monster would grieve the non-viability...and it would have been a normal kid without intervention!

Nature would, without our input, do a LOT batter job! I had a friend in school, with a severe birth defect, One arm was a third the length, and twisted slightly. Her Mother had use an approved drug,called thalidomide, for morning sickness. Her doctor prescribed it, the FDA had approved it....

Today we know better, but it was good medicine then!

It seems that almost daily, we find things that were "safe" that are deadly poison; like roundup. They still spray that by the TON, on our food crops! It seems like stopping the chemical attacks, on ourselves would be a better first step, than to guess at the most complex data system we have ever discovered, and make chop and paste changes.

My Wife has MS, which is an autoimmune disease; so I understand your frustration! They told me she would be dead in 2007, so I understand that pain too! In 2002 when they told me she would never get better, I officially gave up on western medicine, and use it as a poor secondary back up. She is improving daily, and has her doctor scratching his head!

I suspect that dummycraps are what you might end up with, if you mess up the gene splicing, and cause severe brain damage....


why is it that 'freedom to choose' always means 'kill the baby'?
why shouldn't they be 'free to choose' gene editing?

They do NOT want freedom, they want abortion, because it is BIG Business! There is a lot of money there, and for those with no morals, they can even sell body parts!

In all of History, I can think of NOTHING worse than abortion! No human being is more helpless, nor more innocent, than a Baby! We have murdered 60 million so far, and this places us in a league of our own! Hitler was an amateur with only 10 million, and they were 60% adults; Stalin killed 40 Million of his own people, piker, they were mostly adults!

We lead the pack of mass murderers; and have no plans to slow down....

The gene editing can only be done on a single cell, the article was in error there. The fetus they show is WAY past any gene manipulation! There were already millions of cells in that fetus, and it is past man's limited ability to intervene.

My daughter was taught how to do this, and I told her my concerns. They are guessing at function most of the time. They cut and splice, to see what the result is. We are reading less than 1% of the genome. Looks like thalidomide to me, we know just enough to get into trouble; and do not understand, what we do not understand!


actually you're mistaken. 'we' have sequenced the entire genome. and not just human's either.

brain damaged democrats...what else could it be?
monsters walk among us pretending to be people.

True they are possessed by Satan, and are doing his will! So Monsters do walk here on Earth, and we call them liberals!

You are also correct, they do pretend to be humans....


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