The Media IS the Enemy of the People

in #discussion6 years ago

Life is getting better and better...and the media lies about it

  • ............. life has been getting better in pretty much every way. Around the globe, improved health care has dramatically reduced infant and maternal mortality, and children are now better fed, better educated, and less abused. Workers make more money, are injured less frequently, and retire earlier. In the United States, fewer people are poor, while elsewhere in the world, and especially in Asia, billions fewer live in extreme poverty, defined as an income of less than a dollar and ninety cents per day. Statistics show that the world is growing less polluted and has more parks and protected wilderness. “Carbon intensity”—the amount of carbon released per dollar of G.D.P.—has also been falling almost everywhere, a sign that we may be capable of addressing our two biggest challenges, poverty and climate change, simultaneously.
    .............. globally, there are now fewer victims of murder, war, rape, and genocide..............—accidental deaths (car crashes, lightning strikes) are also in steep decline. Despite what we’re often told, students today report being less lonely than in the past, and, although Americans feel over-scheduled, studies show that men and women alike have substantially more leisure time than their parents did (ten and six hours more per week, respectively).

So why do we think other wise?

The media.

  • which focus almost entirely on of-the-moment crises and systematically underreport positive, long-term trends.

The media, much like the public education system, is not focused on present reality.

The media, much like the public education system, is ill serving the public.


I agree that the media is corrupt. The corruption is due in part to the way that people behave.

One of the big problems on YouTube is that the public routinely falls for clickbait. We all want sensational videos that confirm our biases. Google's marketing plan is to get people to binge watch by feeding the world crap that simply confirms biases.

And yet correct, high quality, mostly free information is out there. All you have to do is type in a query.

Complaining doesn't do any good. We have to educate our own children (and grandchildren ;-) instead of relying on a deliberately corrupted system.

the title said it all "The Media IS the Enemy of the People"

which focus almost entirely on of-the-moment crises and systematically underreport positive, long-term trends.

Pretty much why I read the news less and less these days - its all 'doom and gloom'. It would be much better if they just focussed on the positive news. Negative news doesnt help me

Try an experiment (I did). Go for a week or two and NOT read the news, watch TV or listen to the Radio.

When you return has anything changed?

I tried that experiment in 2000. It's ongoing.

So far, initial results are positive. I reckon a couple more decades of avoiding propaganda will provide definitive proof that propaganda is bad for me.

that's true
to increase their TRP they can do anything

Hi,@everittdmickey Yes, you said right now there are so many countries in the world right now, who are going through very poorly. And due to the low spread of pollution, modern technology is. Thank you very much for providing this information.

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