
Different type of stuttering @everittdmickey Way Different and you know are back to picking and choosing what you will and will not see based on political affiliation.
Obama is GONE, He is No Longer President and Never will be again.... we are living in the Present and Trump is the problem of Today....unless you find being in Putin's back pocket the place for AmeriKa to be.
It seems you are the perfect Trump follower and believer because there is nothing that will sway you from him.

This is the America you like and want??

Different type of stuttering
Democratic stuttering ....which is totally innocent.
Republican stuttering...which is insidious and evil.

I didn't know that..

You really are thick.... in Obama's video there was no questioning but giving a speech and it sounds like he ad libs some of it and stutters, but if you watch the Manafort video, where HE IS UNDER QUESTIONING, he stutters, stammers and even babbles because he is not sure HOW TO LIE when answering the questions, that is the DIFFERENCE, it has nothing to do with political (tribal) parties.....
from the sound of your responses though, it does sound like you are infatuated with Czar Trump and Mother AmeriKa....
If Obama were president and lying, I'd call him on it too but he isn't, Comrade Trump is Tsar, err I mean President, and he is Lying to you, me and the rest of this world. That is the TRUTH with no stuttering or stammering.

ps. Another YYUUUGGE Difference, is that Manafort's lying got him convicted and Obama's got him book deals and speaking engagements. Maybe once Czar Trump pardons Manafort, he too can get paid big bucks for his book and speaking engagements. In the meantime, if Trump can't keep "good guy" Paulie out of jail, he might be stuttering due to things stuffed into his mouth while in jail, and it won't be food I'm talking about. Lets see if Trump saves his boy.

what a marvelous imagination you have.

That's it? That is all you have? Or do you really just like to troll for Trump? Sometimes you sound pro-American and patriotic in some of your posts/comments, so it makes me wonder why you are such a fan boy of someone who has sold America out.
Nonetheless, I will always be here to help paint the picture complete.

during Obama's reign of error I lost everything that I'd worked for for my entire life due to his economic policies.

during the two years of the Trump administration I've gained it all back...due to HIS economic policies..

so me a Trump Troll if you like. I wear that label proudly.

I am sorry that things didn't work out for you during Obama's Presidency. It didn't really matter or affect me during this time. Although the stock market bull run did start during Obama's Presidency and has continued on through to Trump's.
I personally don't see anything spectacular that Trump has done to really affect the economy other than to maybe keep the rally going. The question now begs, for how long does this Bull run last, especially now that we are in a Trump created tariff trade war.
Yes the Chinese has been very unfair for a long time from their monetary policies to their turning a blind eye to Intellectual Property theft, but despite this the World churned on with many of the wealthy economies going strong.
Now the markets are slowly but surely slowing down, with many now claiming that the sky is about to fall. If it does, I won't blame Trump, although many will, especially because he is pompous, obnoxious and conceited, so they will want to find fault should the economy slow down or even head into a recession. I hope this doesn't happen, but banksters always get their money.

you may be too young to remember Reagan.
Trump's economy is Reagan's part two...only Trump is a lot more assertive than Reagan. He's doing it twice as fast.

You're right about the banksters.....members of the swamp.
They're Trump's enemies too.

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